The Impact Of Instructional Scaffolding Strategy In Collection Chemistry To The Fourth Scientific Stage

  • Mohammed Kamal Mohammed
  • Zainab Aziz Al Amiry


The present study aimed at knowing “the effect of the educational support strategy on the achievement of chemistry among fourth grade students”. To achieve this, the researcher chose Dhulnnurain secondary school in Baghdad governorate of Karkh / 3. The research sample reached (56) students from the fourth grade (28). The researcher formulated (130) behavioral objectives within the levels (remembering, assimilation, application and analysis) ac- cording to Bloom’s classification of the field of knowledge, the researcher has prepared an achievement test consisting of (20) objective paragraphs of the type of selection The multiplicity of his psychometric properties has been as- certained, following with The results of the study were found to be superior to the experimental group students who studied chemistry according to the teaching stand strategy in the achievement test.

Biografía del autor/a

Mohammed Kamal Mohammed
Teacher. The Ministry of Eduation
Zainab Aziz Al Amiry
Ass. Prof. Dr. Ministry of Education, Baghdad, Iraq University of Baghdad / College of Education for pure science (Ibn- Al- Haitham)


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Cómo citar
Kamal Mohammed, M., & Aziz Al Amiry, Z. (2019). The Impact Of Instructional Scaffolding Strategy In Collection Chemistry To The Fourth Scientific Stage. Opción, 35, 1110-1134. Recuperado a partir de