Effect of soft skills on strategic alignment Applied research in Trade Bank of Iraq (TBI)

  • Abdulrahman Taher Shnaiter
  • Elham Mohammed Elewie
  • Ibtisamah Raad Ibrahim
Palabras clave: Soft Skills, strategic alignment


The aim of the research is to identify the effect of soft skills in achieving strategic alignment in the Trade Bank of Iraqi. To achieve the aim of the research, the researcher designed a questionnaire that included (60) items to analysis of data from the research sample consisting of (45) respondents. Statistical program SPSS Many statistical methods were used to achieve the objective of the research. After conducting the analysis of the research data, the research reached a number of conclusions, the most important of which is a positive and significant effect of the soft skills and their distance in achieving strategic alignment. To develop strategies that contribute to the employment of soft skills and to acceptable degrees in order to achieve strategic alignment. This is due to the very close nature of the variables. And the fact that the bank’s research sample enjoys a good reputation in the local community despite its recent establishment, which makes it a fertile environment to attract the best skilled workers and apply these skills to achieve strategic alignment in order to achieve its objectives in the long, medium and short term and maintain a sustainable competitive advantage.

Biografía del autor/a

Abdulrahman Taher Shnaiter
Department of Business Administration\ Dijlah University College\ Baghdad. Iraq
Elham Mohammed Elewie
Department of Business Administration\ Dijlah University College\ Baghdad. Iraq
Ibtisamah Raad Ibrahim
Department of Business Administration\ Imam jaafer Alsadiq university\ Baghdad. Iraq


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Cómo citar
Taher Shnaiter, A., Mohammed Elewie, E., & Raad Ibrahim, I. (2019). Effect of soft skills on strategic alignment Applied research in Trade Bank of Iraq (TBI). Opción, 35, 528-547. Recuperado a partir de https://mail.produccioncientificaluz.org/index.php/opcion/article/view/31278