The importance of Usage the Artificial Intelligence Applications in Industrial Organization

  • Ryad J. Wahab
  • Hussein N. Izzat
Palabras clave: Artificial Intelligence, business, Industrial Organization


The rapid technology advancing in world Impose on the plants the strive to adopting or relying on the modern technologies in order to Keep up with the developments , and eventually to achievement beneficial & gain advantages , and improve the position & reputation among the competitive industries . Among the prominent challenging that encountered industry plant is emerg- ing the intelligent devices , machines , & equipments that gained the industry more from excellent advantages & characteristics , this is what called “ Arti- ficial Intelligence “ . this paper attempts to introduction concept of AI , main its components , & areas its applications . measure the degree of availability & ready the field under research to accommodation or encompass like this technique .

Biografía del autor/a

Ryad J. Wahab
Assistant professor Department of Industrial Management College of Administration & Economics University of Mosul
Hussein N. Izzat
Lecturer Department of Engineering Environment & Pollution College of Technical


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Cómo citar
J. Wahab, R., & N. Izzat, H. (2019). The importance of Usage the Artificial Intelligence Applications in Industrial Organization. Opción, 35, 772-792. Recuperado a partir de