International terminology as an integration of different cultures into global science

  • Aliya T. Konarbayeva Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi, Kazakhstan
  • Karlygash Zh. Aidarbek National Academy of Science of Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan
  • Ralf Vollmann Karl-Franzens University, Kazakhstan
  • Gaziza I. Smanova The South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University, Kazakhstan
Palabras clave: international terminology, cognitive discourse paradigm.


The study aims to investigate international terminology as an integration of different cultures into global science via comparative qualitative research methods. As a result, language structure cannot be studied without taking into account the nature of language use. This perspective is what characterizes argumentative discourse as a functional rather than a formal approach to language. In conclusion, the investigation of international terminology could help facilitate knowledge communication.
Cómo citar
Konarbayeva, A. T., Aidarbek, K. Z., Vollmann, R., & Smanova, G. I. (1). International terminology as an integration of different cultures into global science. Opción, 36(91), 1473-1490. Recuperado a partir de