REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 12 N° 32, 2021
Igor A. Murog et al. // Simulation of thermal processes on the electrode of miniature… 127-138
cathode spot decreases almost twice and is about 770 K (Figure 4, a). Subsequently, the
cooling rate slows down. After 31 μs, counted from the moment the pulse is removed, the
surface of the cathode spot is cooled to a temperature of about 450 K (Figure 4, b). At
subsequent moments in time, due to the process of thermal conductivity, the heat further
spreads in the electrode material, increasing the temperature in it within the calculated
region (Figure 4, c). The limiting distribution of the calculated temperature field (at the
moment of time 100 μs) is shown in Figure 4, d. The temperature at the boundary of the
computational domain is about 315 K.
Therefore, with an increase in the heat flux power, the arising high-temperature field
in the region of the cathode spot will penetrate less and less deep into the electrode, being
within a few micrometers on the electrode surface. This shows that the thickness of the
cathodes, which are deposited on the electrode, can be several micrometers. The practice of
developing cathodes for miniature protective spark gaps confirms the found patterns.
It is known that in real designs of protective miniature spark gaps, materials with a
high emissivity are applied to the 42NA-VI alloy electrode (Anisimov, 1966; Kiselev, Gnido,
Anisimov and Tinina, 2001). Cathodes made of these materials have a low work function,
which ensures a low arc maintenance voltage in the device during switching, and,
accordingly, reduces the power released on the electrode as a whole. In this case, the
thickness of the cathodes is a few micrometers. This, as studies have shown, was sufficient
to stabilize the parameters during operation (Kiselev, Gnido, Anisimov and Tinina, 2001).
The erosion zone at the cathode is within 1 ... 1.5 microns. These values correspond in order
of magnitude to the dimensions of the high-temperature field obtained on the 42NA-VI
electrode during simulation.
Modeling the temperature field on electrodes made of metals of the fourth and fifth
groups of the Mendeleev's Periodic Table showed a complete correlation in the temperature
of the cathode spot and the melting temperature of metals. The results show that with an
increase in the serial number of the element, the temperature of the cathode spot decreases:
from iron to copper and silver.