de la
del Zulia
Fundada en 1947
por el Dr. Jesús Enrique Lossada
ISSN 0041-8811
E-ISSN 2665-0428
Ciencias del
y Tecnología
Año 12 N° 32
Enero - Abril 2021
Tercera Época
Edson Pacheco Paladini et al. /// Quality improvement of energy management 207-239
Quality improvement of energy management: an analysis of
industries in a developing country
Edson Pacheco Paladini *
Bismaydamez Avilès **
Geonel Rodriguez Perez **
Noel Cardoso Nunez **
Jean Carlos Araldi ***
Energy management is a critical question for the progress in developing countries. In fact, it
is one of the most important foundations of sustainable development. Optimizing the use of
energy resources is an issue with notable multiplier effects on the social evolution of the
people of these regions. Similarly, the civil construction industry is also relevant, since it
represents a strong economic and social contribution for these countries. It is important to
remark that the demands of the construction material industry in combustible consumption
for their productions, frequently with low rate efficiency, require a systematic management
activity able to detect improvement alternatives, based on process approaches to contribute
to the energy efficiency and the quality of the final production. This paper proposes a set of
procedures to implement technological and organizational improvements of the combustible
consumption practice in brick production plants in the construction material industry in a
developing country (Cuba). Quality improvement opportunities are detected, together with
the energetic characterization of the process. Some well-defined parameters and indicators
have evidenced the improvement potentialities and its execution. The placement of domes in
the furnace defines a new zone of quality control with losses from 0.5 - 1.5%, that at the
beginning of the research were 2.4 - 4.5%. This enabled to plan a loss level rate at least 1.6%
lower and a variability two times lower. Besides it is achieved a consumption rate average of
0.2739 to 0.2387 liters per brick in the covered furnace, saving 11,000 liters of fuel in the
semester. The generalization of the procedure in the entity producing roof tiles and clay pipes
in Sancti-Spíritus municipality (Cuba) showed a significant contribution since the
reductions in the fuel consumption rate were greater than the achieved in the brick
productions. As these industrial processes are similar to those in many other countries, this
case study shows some analyses, practical applications and results that can be used abroad.
KEYWORDS: Energy management improvement; construction industry; developing
countries; product quality.
*Departamento de Engenharia de Produção e Sistemas. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina -
Trindade CP 476 88.040 400 - Florianópolis SC Brazil. E-mail:
**University os Sancti Spíritus “Jose Marti Perez UNISS Sancti Spiritus Cuba.
***Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - Trindade CP 476 Florianópolis SC Brazil.
Recibido: 25/09/2020 Aceptado: 20/11/2020
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Edson Pacheco Paladini et al. /// Quality improvement of energy management 207-239
Mejora en la calidad de la administración de energía: un análisis de
las industrias en un país en desarrollo
La administración de energía es una cuestión fundamental para el progreso de los países en
desarrollo. De hecho, es uno de los pilares más importantes del desarrollo sostenible. La
optimización del uso de los recursos enerticos es un tema con notables efectos
multiplicadores en la evolución social de los habitantes de cada región. Asimismo, la industria
de la construcción civil también es relevante, ya que representa un fuerte aporte económico
y social para cada país. Es importante resaltar que las demandas de la industria de materiales
de construcción en el consumo de combustibles para sus producciones, frecuentemente con
bajo índice de eficiencia, requieren una actividad de gestión sistemática capaz de detectar
alternativas de mejora, basadas en enfoques de proceso para contribuir a la eficiencia
energética y la calidad de la producción final. Este trabajo propone un conjunto de
procedimientos para implementar mejoras tecnológicas y organizacionales de la práctica de
consumo de combustibles en plantas de producción de ladrillos en la industria de materiales
de construcción en un país en desarrollo (Cuba). Se detectan oportunidades de mejora de la
calidad, junto con la caracterización energética del proceso. Algunos parámetros e
indicadores bien definidos han evidenciado las potencialidades de mejora y su ejecución. La
colocación de domos en el horno define una nueva zona de control de calidad con pérdidas
de 0.5 - 1.5%, que al inicio de la investigación eran 2.4 - 4.5%. Esto permitió planificar una
tasa de nivel de pérdidas al menos un 1,6% menor y una variabilidad dos veces menor. Además,
se logra una tasa de consumo promedio de 0.2739 a 0.2387 litros por ladrillo en el horno
cubierto, ahorrando 11.000 litros de combustible en el semestre. La generalización del
procedimiento en la entidad productora de tejas y cañerías de arcilla del municipio Sancti-
Spíritus (Cuba) mostró un aporte significativo ya que las reducciones en la tasa de consumo
de combustible fueron mayores a las logradas en las producciones de ladrillos. Como estos
procesos industriales son similares a los de muchos otros países, este estudio de caso muestra
algunos análisis, aplicaciones prácticas y resultados que se pueden utilizar en el extranjero.
PALABRAS CLAVE: Mejora de la gestión energética; industria de construcción; países en
desarrollo; calidad del producto.
Nowadays, an organized production process has vital importance, even more with the
world economic crisis and the unavoidable exhaustion of the conventional energy sources.
The rational use of the energetic resources depends on the consciousness that people might
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Edson Pacheco Paladini et al. /// Quality improvement of energy management 207-239
have of the unplanned use in the consumption societies and the environmental pollution that
generates an over exploitation of the fossil combustibles (Fernandez et al, 2014; Aguilera,
2020). Referring to this, Nueno (1996) states that management is looking for models that
contemplate the integration among people, technology and economic reality. In this context,
the quality concept that it is necessary to generate an acceptable product or to work with
rejection rates of less than a certain percentage in a production line, is not enough anymore.
It is required to consider the client perspective (Abu-Jarour, 2016), and the losses that each
product brings to the society. In fact, productive organizations have long been concerned
with energy management (Selmer, 1993; Fielden and Jacques, 1997).
In Cuba, the improvement of the productive organizations management is of great
importance (Del Castillo Sánchez, 2016) for the continuity of the present growing process. It
is a way to place enterprises in indispensable conditions of effective use of resources,
guarantee their economic situation, put into practice salary and stimulation systems,
implement new tributaries and financial mechanisms, as well as introduce the most updated
approaches of the international practice.
Mahto and Kumar (2008) refer that the identification of the relative root causes to the
quality problems and the productivity are crictical in the manufacture process execution. In
the case of the construction material industry in Cuba, and specifically in Sancti-Spiritus, the
root cases are related to its aged technology.
The construction material enterprise in the case study for this research produces more
than 60% of the total clay wall elements of the province: mud bricks (hollowed and solid),
Creole and French tiles, floor tiles and lattices. It also produces concrete materials as floor
tiles and blocks, which represents an annual cipher of 6,200,000 units, equivalent to one
thousand houses annually. However, to reach a primary objective of the red ceramic
construction enterprises (to achieve the technological leap), they need to work with
processes with high energy efficiency (Reyes, 2012). It should be noted that the priority in
the search for energy efficiency is in residential buildings or commercial buildings (Guarin,
Morano and Sica, 2019; Ylmén, Penaloza and Mjornell, 2019). It must be considered that these
enterprises work in a business context characterized by market fluctuations and difficulties
in supplying its main inputs and raw materials. These problems are analyzed by Nordelo
(2006) and Fernández et al. (2014). These authors consider the importance of these
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Edson Pacheco Paladini et al. /// Quality improvement of energy management 207-239
situations in the competitiveness of the Cuban companies, from the perspective of energy
Based on the above arguments, the activity of management and assurance of the
managerial function gives the enterprise the ability to satisfy, in an efficient way, the energy
needs of the productive process, as an alternative to face the problems of high production
costs. These costs are associated to the following: high energy consumption of the
equipments (fuel oil and fuel wood); poor quality of ceramic productions; customer
complaints for poor quality of production; and the emanation of toxic gases into the
atmosphere generated by the furnaces.
This paper proposes to implement technological and organizational improvements in
fuel consumption practices in brick production industries to facilitate management activity
related to energy efficiency and the quality of the finished product. Focusing on the energy
issue, which is a critical business problem, it is also a favorable approach to achieve
improvements in other identified problems.
This article addresses two key elements for the progress of developing countries:
Initially, transformations in the improvement of the productive processes of companies that
operate in the area of civil construction, commonly important industrial sector in any
economy. Then, energy management is considered, a crucial component for these countries
since it is one of the most important foundations of sustainable development. Several
examples in the literature prove this statement (Alcorta et al., 2014; Cantore, 2017). This
study intends to optimize the use of energy resources, a problem with distinguished
multiplier effects on the social, economic and cultural progress of the people that live in these
1. Theoretical background
In this section some concepts that support this article are presented.
1.1. Quality and process improvement
The decision to face the process of improvement requires an analysis of the
circumstances in which it will be developed. Typology of the process, general
charactheristics of the studied organization and the objective that is pursued are critical
elements in this analysis (Gómez, 2007; Abu-Jarour, 2016; Montgomery et al., 2016).
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Edson Pacheco Paladini et al. /// Quality improvement of energy management 207-239
The conception of quality improvement is a decisive component in all business
activities and as the operations of industrial processes are presented, increasingly subjected
to the emerging factors of the environment, new approaches are required for the quality
concepts. Quality needs constant adjustments to "best production practices", with other
forms of comparison and regulation that may differ from those used up to now (Juran and
Gryna, 2001, Domínguez and Barroso-Castro, 2017; Leffakis, 2016).
Juran and Gryna (2001) argue on how quality problems are underestimated and what
they represent in long-term financial returns. So, the purpose should be oriented to set the
tools to achieve the timely detection of the causes that provoke such alterations and to obtain
the expected benefits.
As shown by Nofal et al. (2016), the management of quality improvement is adjusted
to several elements like technology level and background of organizations, markets, human
resources and their cultures. In this sense, the perspective of these authors is how to use the
critical factors of the Total Quality Management (TQM) to promote the transformational
orientation, in order to create a culture of sustainable efficiency and obtain commercial and
competitive benefits in a continuous way. In the Cuban context, experiences in industrial
processes have been decisive in the proposed quality practices, to reconcile technological and
organizational perspectives with a favorable effect on stability, from the reduction of
variability in the process (Gómez et al., 2008).
1.2. Total Quality Management
Total Quality Management (TQM) is a series of relevant practices (Vasantharayalu
and Surajit, 2016) which structures a management approach to long-term success through
customer satisfaction. The main idea of TQM is to include all members of an organization in
participative efforts to improve processes, products, services, and the culture in which the
organization works (Aquilani et al, 2017).
Vasantharayalu and Surajit (2016) state that the American Society for Quality
recognizes as fundamental elements of TQM: politics, planning and administration; product
design; material supply; Production Quality Control; customer relationship; preventive and
corrective actions and selection, training and motivation of employees. The identification,
contribution and new ways of researching the critical success factors of TQM is a subject
under study, which requires the adoption of a broader view regarding the role of the quality
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process as a support to the commitment of the enterprise in the activities with the client
(Aquilani et al., 2017; Tenner and DeToro, 2007).
Many authors, like Paladini (2011) as well as Juran and Gryna (2001), associate the use
of TQM practices with the best operational performance, with an impact on technological
1.3. Quantitative methods for improvement
Mizuno (2005) proposes the use of qualitative and quantitative methods for
identifying improvement opportunities (mainly the last ones) to transform diffuse and
unstructured knowledge into structured knowledge. While Banks (2004) points out that
the introduction to the quality function in modern manufacturing and service organizations
generates statistical information, which is analyzed and discussed in a specific way, and with
the resources to manage quality control (Goetsch and Davis, 2016; Marshall, 2006).
The quality problems in industrials processes are often the result of uncontrolled or
excessive variability. In studying and solving these problems a crucial role is played by
statistical tools and other analytical and quantitative methods.
The application of quantitative methods for improvement must be carried out in a
management-based structure to guarantee the success (Montgomery et al., 2016; Carvalho et
al., 2017).
1.4. Innovation and energy efficiency in developing countries
The empirical study of Honarpour et al. (2017) establishes that the innovation process
is more impacted by TQM than the product itself. It is not surprising considering the fact
that new elements introduced into the organization (e.g. material input, task specifications,
work and information flow, and equipment) generate innovative products or provide better
services. TQM practices, on the other hand, are related to better supply management (raw
materials), people management (task specifications), and information and data analysis
(working mechanisms and information flow). Similarly, by acquiring, disseminating and
applying new knowledge of competitors, suppliers and customers, the generation of ideas
from research teams can be increased, leading to new technical specifications and better
product functionality (Paladini, 2016).
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Regarding the case study of this research in the manufacture of ceramics for
construction, Salas and Oteiza (2008) report on the approach of Latin America Economic
Commission that it is important to perform regulatory and technological adjustments aimed
at improving the development and application of materials, using local and regional
techniques. All these situations should be expressed in formalized processes that show
potential for further development, based on process analysis and statistical data. The
information generated becomes a decision-making tool for the operation of key variables that
ensures improvements in indicators of productive and organizational performance.
The technological progress of the red ceramic enterprises in Cuba, as Reyes (2012)
states, needs for few but qualified personnel. It also needs lineal processes, intensive in
capital and mostly automated.
On this issue, Reyes (2012) also argues that substantial improvement in energy
efficiency comes from processes with some characteristics. It means processes with
substantial improvement in energy efficiency through: the use of hot gases from the furnaces
for the dryer; cogeneration installations with recovery of energy from exhaust gases; hot air
from refrigeration as a source of heat for dryers, clay preparation; computer control of drying
and cooking; the replacement of electrical surpluses to the national electric system and the
use of natural gas.
From the energetic point of view, the improvements and innovations increase the
performance of the different operations in terms of: (1) Reduction of the heat of reaction and
of drying; (2) Decrease in temperature levels used; (3) Decrease in the time of operations; (4)
Reduction of heat and material losses (breaks); (5) Improvement of the quality of final
products; and (6) Use of residual heat.
All the above items are of vital importance for the Cuban economy and constitute a
technological advancement that poses challenges to the universities and investigation
centers (Reyes, 2012). The country has small and medium-sized plants according to installed
resources, which also differ in terms of product quality with high levels of inefficiency due to
heat losses through the walls and chimneys. These industries consume large amounts of fuel
to heat the structure in each material load as well as the amount of heat that is totally lost
during cooling (Reyes, 2012). However, it is a productive sector with material responsibility
in the annual housing plan of the territories and its observance is relevant in the global
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environment, due to the world population growth that demands the production of more than
600 million cubic meters of construction materials (Salas and Oteiza, 2008).
It is also relevant for this research to take into account the complexity of
administrative change that implies the implementation of continuous improvement, from the
perspective provided by McLean et al. (2017). It includes failure factors of the TQM which
are described in eight issues: motives and expectations, culture and environment,
management leadership, implementation approach, training, project management, employee
performance levels, and feedback and results.
It should be noted that the search for methods that increase energetic efficiency is
permanent in developing countries (for instance, see Berg, 2015; Goldemberg et al., 1994).
This effort can be found in studies that analyze the question in countries as Saudi
Arabia (Matar et al., 2017; Matar, 2016); Canada (Cai et al., 2008), Nepal (Islar et al., 2017),
Brazil (Mesquita and Kós, 2017), Thailand (Foran et al., 2010), Malaysia (Hosseini and
Wahid, 2014), Taiwan (Ning et al., 2013), Argentina (Filippín et al., 2017), Peru (Lillo at al.,
2015), Mozambique (Jones et al., 2016), Portugal (Capelo et al., 2018) or Mexico (Martínez-
Montejo and Sheinbaum-Pardo, 2016). . Different situations have been considered in the
studies about energetic politics, like prices (Matar and Anwer, 2017) or sustainable
development strategies, a very important dimension of this kind of analysis (Owedraogo,
2017). In addition, success factors for energy management are always considered in different
situations (Sivill et. al., 2013). The role of government has been also discussed (Zhang and
Huang, 2017).
Even developed countries or in more advanced stages of development prioritize
processes to increase the efficiency of the use of different energy sources, prioritizing policies
for this purpose (Zierler et al., 2017; Bhati et al., 2017).
Civil construction has also been highlighted in different studies, especially when one
considers environmental management resources (Rodriguez et al., 2011; Do and Cetin, 2019),
energy performance (Poddar et al., 2017) or even economic performance of accessories
(Cetiner and Metin, 2017) or reuse of wastes (Yellishetty, 2008). Characteristics of buildings
are also considered for purposes of increasing energy efficiency (Mikola, Simson and
Kurnistski, 2019; Marcello, Pilloni and Giusto, 2019).
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This same concern appears in various situations that involve energy management, in
the most different areas (Balali et al., 2017). The use of natural aspects also is considered
(Almeida et al., 2017).
In this way, the present study focuses on a critical issue, especially for developing
countries, and in this context, the energetic efficiency of an important productive sector in
these countries is analyzed.
2. Materials and methods
This paper presents an applied scientific research, because its results are used later in
the solution of problems present in the day-to-day of organizations (Turrioni and Melo,
2012). In fact, this research is inserted in the context of scientific knowledge and without
commercial purposes as a main objective (Appolinário, 2006).
Based on the objective, a descriptive research is considered for the development of data
acquisition techniques in the studied organizations (Turrioni and Melo, 2012; Gil, 2016)
refers that descriptive research is the most requested by organizations such as educational
institutions, commercial companies, political parties, etc.
The methodology adopted here is the case study since this paper evaluates a specific
situation in a business environment (Cauchick, 2007) and addresses a deep diagnosis of an
object, so as to allow its wide and detailed knowledge (Berto and Nakano, 2000).
For the development of the work, the analysis methodology takes into account that
the increase in fuel costs is one of the factors leading to innovative technologies in the ceramic
industry. Most of the development focuses on improving the energy efficiency of furnaces by
decreasing the energy consumption of the production processes (Agrafiotis and Tsoutsos,
The actions to overcome problems of the process constitute the basis for planning new
areas of control, conception of the Quality Trilogy (Quality Planning; Quality Control and
Quality Improvement as defined by Juran and Gryna, 2001), considered in the development
of the procedure in Figure 1. It has been evaluated the energy consumption and also the
performance of the production process, considering the behavior of the technological
variables and the quality assessment of the finished product.
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The development of this study involves four phases: (1) energy characterization; (2)
process evaluation, with the definition of improvements; (3) execution of improvements and
(4) definition of expected results.
The procedure begins with the energy characterization, by the necessity test of the
Technology of the Total Efficient Management of Energy (TGTEE, Spanish acronym) by
Nordelo (2006). The second phase (evaluation) uses the Beltrán’s approach (Beltrán et al,
2001). There are four steps here: (1) Identification and sequencing; (2) description; (3)
monitoring and control, and (4) improvement. Phase 3 is oriented to the improvements in
energy efficiency of greater incidence in the technical requirements of quality in the finished
Fig. 1 Procedures to implement technological and organizational improvements in the fuel
oil consumption practices in brick production industries
Phase 4 is established in two moments of the process:
(i) If the objectives are not fulfilled, the management defines the corrective actions
to ensure conformity of the outputs. The actions prioritize control variables related to energy
management and the efficient use of the energy that affect the fulfillment of technical quality
requirements of the finished product.
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(ii) If the planned results are achieved, opportunities for improvement are
identified by their impact on global improvement, to increase the capacity that efficiently
meets the energy needs and satisfies technical quality requirements of the finished product.
In phase 3 the implementation of the improvement is considered. The improvements
are classified as structural and operational. Structural improvements refer to fundamental
conception of the process (redefinition of recipient, expectations, results of the process,
sequence of activities). Creative tools and techniques for quality management; customer
surveys and reengineering approach are useful here. Operational improvements are basically
related to changes in capacity and efficiency.
The estimation of the improvement (phase 4) is analyzed using indicators of energy
efficiency and process effectiveness. These indicators evaluate the impact of both on the
technical quality requirements of the finished product. The non-conformity in the evaluation
requires a return to the execution, and so, the characterization is restarted, in order to plan
improvements in a new control zone. The implementation of the procedure involves directing
efforts to:
- Management leadership: It is necessary for the enterprise staff to perceive that
the management knows and evaluates issues related to process supervision. Personnel
training and the allocation of human and material resources to develop energy management
activities are considered here.
- Employee participation: The actions here try to create process management
teams and effective recognition for the tasks developed by employees.
- Training: It includes equipment operation and also tools and techniques for
3. Practical support: analysis of the study case
To structure the practical support of this study, three stages have been considered: (1)
Analysis of the structure of processes, (2) Characteristics of the realization of the product
and (3) Study of causes of the recognized problems.
Stage 1:
For the identification of the structure of processes of the business management in the
construction material enterprise in Sancti Sritus (Figure 2), the relationship with energy
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management was established as a basic criterion in the categorization of processes. Based on
this criterion, in order to guarantee the availability of resources and the necessary
information in the implementation of regulatory actions, to fulfill the planned objectives and
the continuous improvement, three dimensions have been considered: strategic, tactical and
Strategic Management
I. Management responsibilities
II. Analysis and improvement.
Operational Management
III. Realization of the products
IV. Analysis of efficiency indicators.
Tactical Management
V. Purchasing Management
VI. Human resources management.
VII. Commercial Management
Fig. 2 Classification of the processes for an approach centered on energy management
These dimensions include:
(A) Strategic Actions: Those linked to the scope of responsibilities of the
management, related to general planning and others plans linked to key or strategic factors
of business management.
(B) Operational Actions: Those related to product realization operations. These
actions intervene directly in the efficient use of energy and determine the technical quality
requirements of the finished product.
(C) Tactic Actions: Refer to support of operational processes, related to resources
linked to the quality of the finished product.
The concepts of Strategic Management, Tactical Management and Operative
Management follow the positions of authors in the Quality Management area (Carvalho et
al., 2017; Goetsch and Davis, 2016; Marshall, 2006). In order to provide the managerial
capacity to efficiently satisfying the energy needs of the production process, the
manufacturing process is described.
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Stage 2:
During the product realization process, more than 70% of the high energy
consumption equipment is dispended.
The sub-process of burning requires much time (approximately 26 days), due to the
high dependence of the relative humidity conditions, and the season of the year, what
influence the duration of drying. It consumes the total of energy suppliers and the technical
specifications should be closely observed since it causes the greatest amount of losses due to
poor quality. A bad operation can imply the loss of all the products.
The typology for the brick production and the requisites are defined in branch norms
(NC 360: 2005) that are achieved through process norms (figure 3). Brick production has
been a permanent reason for concern and attention in different countries, due to the
characteristics of the production process (Luby et al, 2015; Gomes and Hossain, 2003).
In the burning process of the ceramic products the cooking is done, with high
temperature level (higher than 850ºC). Homogeneity is needed in all the furnace equipment
to avoid heat, fume leaking to the atmosphere and guarantee the main quality parameters of
the finished production.
In the evaluation of the preheating and cooking stages, the efficiency and effectiveness
indicators were considered: percentage of absorption, with incidence in the resistance to the
rupture of the finished product (it defines the use); percentage of defective units, that affects
the cost of production; and indices of consumption of fuel oil and fuel wood that determine
the energy efficiency.
These indicators of energy efficiency and finished product quality are essential in
making strategic decisions that have improvements in the customer value chain, as well as
the incorporation of new knowledge and skills in the management team (Domínguez and
Barroso-Castro, 2017). According to Paladini (2011), the goal of analyzing and evaluating
processes effectively is a fundamental element of quality management.
Stage 3:
For the study of causes, three years of activity of the enterprise were analyzed, in
which 68.5% of the combustible used was fuel oil and 19.9%, fuel wood.
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Construction Material production
Brick Production Process
Process: Brick production Process
Owner: Central Administrator
Mission: To perform brick production achieving the quality
parameters established for the satisfaction of customers.
Starts: When there is raw material, technology and qualified
Includes: Preparation of the raw material forming the product,
drying, baking and selection.
Inputs: Orders from customers. Raw materials and energy carriers.
Suppliers: Logistics.
Departures: Signed contracts, finished production and realizes sales.
Clients: External customers.
Inspections: Weekly inspection of
quality and evaluation of consumption.
Records: Control by qualities.
Times of the stages
Optimum temperatures
Energy intensity.
% of defective units
% absorption
Consumption index
Fig. 3: File of the brick production process
Based on the result obtained from the relationship between production and fuel oil
consumption (Figure 4), the emphasis was on reducing production losses, on meeting the
technical quality requirements of production and on observing the conditions for efficient
energy operation. The production of Trinidad municipality was selected due to the analysis
of its representativeness (approximately 50% of the hollowed bricks), in addition to the
characteristics of the energy scheme, which is aggravated by technological obsolescence, and
clay characteristics of the deposits (high content of iron oxides and silicates), which imply a
higher melting point. The behavior of losses in the brick production plants of the
municipality of Trinidad is shown in figure 5.
The production losses in process are above average (5%). Santa Bárbara production
plant, in April (2017), doubles the losses compared to the average. This situation implied a
loss of income in the enterprise of US$ 3,743.64 in a year, what represents about 118,469
thousands of units (bricks).
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Fig. 4 Relation between production and fuel oil consumption (a year analysis)
Fig. 5 Loss rate in Trinidad brick production plants
4. Diagnosis and project of improvement for the study case
The Pareto analysis obtained from the technical reports of the nonconformities
allowed to identify that in the process losses, low resistance caused 61% of the
nonconformities in the finished production (>16% of absorption).
Other nonconformities are classified as cracks, out of dimensions and as contraction
which are achieved in the drying sub-process (inefficiency in the productive process).
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In the burning, where the causes of higher incidence of nonconformities are
concentrated (see Table 1), almost all the high energy consumption equipment are used since,
as stated above, it is a very extensive process (approximately 26 days). This demonstrates the
need for an improvement process approach in burning.
Products with low resistance (more than
16% absorption)
Difficulties and inefficiency in burning
Products out of dimension
Difficulties in molding and shrinkage
during drying.
Products with cracks
Poor preparation of mixtures
Table 1. Nonconformities and their causes. Source: Technical reports.
In preheating, the bricks are baked in different percentages of moisture and fuel wood
has irregularities in drying, which involves additional time and energy costs to bring the total
mass of the furnace to the optimum temperature. While cooking, burners are open to the
atmosphere, which have high temperature variability. Their heat dissipates to the
atmosphere in the superior area, which implies the increase of temperature in the inferior
area in a value greater than 900°C. The fusion of the material placed often occurs. The entire
situation requires attention and monitoring, to detect opportunities for improvement in the
efficient use of energy, and in the consumption practices for the technological process. For
this purpose, the causes associated with the insufficiencies in the flaring (grouped by
categories) were classified (Figure 6).
To achieve the quality parameters of the finished product, the analysis of
nonconformities has been structured. The conclusions are reflected on brainstorm process
and they are weighted by the Delphi Method (Oliveira et al., 2016). The consensus is
evaluated by the Kendall coefficient (W = 0.857).
The following priorities were obtained:
(1) Required temperature levels are not achieved in the upper half of the furnace.
(2) There are lack of air-tightness and leakage of heat into the atmosphere.
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(3) It is necessary to identify personnel who decide on energy efficiency, and to
train in a specialized way the management and personnel involved in the production,
transformation or use of energy.
(4) The brick closed position in the furnace.
(5) There is not heat circulation.
(6) The frames of burners were stuck (archery of the ovens jammed).
(7) There were leaks in the burning systems.
(8) The drying of wood for preheating was insufficient.
(9) The quality of fuel oil was low.
(10) The temperature control was inaccurate.
The analysis of the indicators of the first semester in this study (year I) in the “Mártires
de Girón” production plant from Trinidad bricks production industry (deposit with high
content of iron oxide and silicates) evidences the criticality of the process (utilization of
Creole burners and centralized ventilation systems). Figure 7 shows the case of water
absorption. The non-homogeneity of the burner temperature affects the non-compliance of
the resistance parameters of the ceramic (not transformed). In addition, the inefficient
combustion implies insufficient heating of the furnace and also generates great amount of
smoke to the atmosphere.
Fig. 6 Possible causes that influence on the burning inefficiency
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This behavior is characteristic of the Trinidad Municipality (the same raw material),
and constitutes the main cause of the customer complaints, related to the nonconformity in
the quality requirements of the finished product.
4.1. Analysis of improvements for the study case
The situation analyzed is recurrent for years in the enterprise. However, due to the
lack of a process approach, the magnitude of the problem had not been recognized. Figure 8
represents the scheme to follow in implementing the improvements. From the main cause
categories (Figure 6), the structural and functional stages for improvements are established
for improvement opportunities, namely, the structural and the functional stages.
- Structural stage: Organizational and personnel phases are established, involving
actions related to improvements in supply management, requirements, flow of activities and
training of personnel.
- Functional stage: Improvements are made on phases of capacity and control and are
linked to actions of changes in the process.
Once the actions are implemented (date / deadlines / participants / responsible), the
process indicators are evaluated as a contribution to the organization and planning of the
work. Once favorable results are reached, new opportunities are identified. If an unfavorable
result is observed, the phases and actions executed are reconsidered.
The constructive technology of the furnaces is similar in all the production plants of
the province. Burners are open in their superior parts, with great heat blasting. It is necessary
to homogenize the temperature, in particular by the valued characteristics, in the industries
of the municipality of Trinidad, which does not reach the planned results. The actions in this
respect, according to the specialized literature (Reyes, 2012), are oriented towards
technologies for the construction of the furnaces, which includes the artisan ones, closed
with a hermetic roof, dome-typed, to make better use of heat, with closed gas circulation,
better distribution of the internal temperature and minimum heat loss by emanation into the
With these elements and as shown in Table 2, the improvement for Trinidad´s
“Mártires de Girón” production plant was designed.
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Fig. 7 Indicators file: percentage of water abortion- consumption index
Fig. 8 Flow Diagram to implement the improvements
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The placement of domes and the other actions brought about a decrease in production
defects, improvements in the quality requirements of the finished product, and a reduction
of the consumption index. In six months fuel oil consumption decreased in 11,000 liters (US$
330.00). Figure 9 shows the improvement of the “Mártires de Girón” production plant, based
on the Juran Quality Trilogy, in a new "quality control zone" with values of losses between
0.5 - 1.5%, which represented loss rates at least 1.6 times lower.
Type of
Date /
Year of
Include in the contract
with the refinery and
forestry clauses regulating
the quality of fuel oil and
fuel wood.
Commercial and
legal technician
and Head of
Instruct staff working on
quality issues related to:
- Moisture of the baking
- Correct endague in the
furnaces so that there is
adequate circulation.
- Correction of leaks and
correct manipulation of
the burner.
Technical staff
and experts
Head and
Calculation, design and
installation of ovens with
vault dome on the
“Mártires of Girón” that
reduce the escape of smoke
and heat to the atmosphere
and keep the heat in the
top of the oven.
technician and
Manage the purchase of
pyrometers to achieve
temperature control.
and Head of
Table 2. Action Plan for the improvement
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Fig. 9 Analysis of losses before and after the improvement actions in Mártires de Girón”
production plant
The evaluation of the significance of the improvement shown in Figure 10 compares
loss reduction from year to year, in range, and median (4 to less than 1).
Fig. 10 Improvement signification in range and median
These reductions in losses, in relation to the fulfillment of the quality requirements,
are shown in Figure 11, with the decrease of the amount of raw brick with more than 16% of
humidity in year II.
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The monitoring and measurement of the process improvements by changing the
furnace cover, are expressed by indicators (Table 3). They include decrease in "% of defective
units"; reduction of production costs and compliance with the quality requirements of
finished production. It is important to point that the "% of absorption" indicator has meant
a greater effectiveness in the burning and also a reduction in the consumption of fuel oil and
fuel wood.
Fig. 11 Improvement in the quality requirements in Trinidad brick industries
design and
assembly of
valuated dome
furnaces on the
“Mártires de
Girón” roof that
reduce the
escape of smoke
and heat to the
atmosphere and
keep the heat in
the upper part of
the furnace.
% of
% of
Index of
Improvement type: ST: Structural; FU: Functional.
Table 3. Result of the observation and the indicator measurements
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The same concern regarding the use of ovens exists in relation to other forms of
burning, such as the use of stoves, for example (Jones, 2015). Different areas have been
considered when the use of ovens is necessary (Despotovic and Babic, 2018).
These processes involve high-consumption equipments with more than 88.4% in the
consumption structure of the enterprise. Besides, resistance to rupture increased. With that
improvement, the possibility of using the products in more complex constructions and
edifications was verified.
To maintain the improvements and extend them to the remaining production plants
of Trinidad and to other type of productions, the managing structure of the enterprise
elaborated an action plan (Table 4) where elements such as personnel training, university
supervision and investment planning have been incorporated.
Train the company’s personnel
in the energy field,
fundamentally those related to
the areas with highest
consumption of energy
All workers
Create mechanisms to
motivate staffs who decide on
energy efficiency and
dissemination about the need
for energy saving in the
Workers at
key positions
Use of moral
and material
Include in the planning the
replacement of the ceiling of
the furnaces by vaults in all the
centers of Trinidad
Year II
Centers of
It is foreseen
in the plan of
Use energy intensity as an
instrument to measure
efficiency and for decision
Implement the Total Efficient
Energy management
Technology (TGTEE) in the
enterprise by defining IT
resources for the energy area
Year I
of university
Table 4. Action plan to maintain the achieved improvements
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From this plan to maintain the improvements and generalize the procedure in the rest
of the production plants, two plants of the Municipality of Sancti Spíritus were selected
which manufacture (1) clay tiles and (2) clay pipes. The clay used has more plasticity than
that of production plants from Trinidad and requires a maximum heating temperature of
about 45°C, a parameter that facilitated the optimization of the burning process. With the
proposed generalization, it was possible to achieve greater reductions than those achieved in
the production of bricks (Table 5).
Other type of
Fuel consumption Liter / units
Before the improvement
After the improvement
Roof tiles
Clay pipes
Table 5. Improvement in the consumption index - procedure generalization for roof tiles
and (2) clay pipes
With these indicators and according to the monthly production of clay tiles (60,000
units and 10,000 pipes), they consumed in the semester 6,228 liters less in floor tiles and, in
pipes, 11,682 liters less (Figure 12). These elements support the effectiveness of the procedure,
which has a positive impact on one relevant indicator for the management in the construction
material enterprise.
Fig. 12 Reduction of the fuel oil consumption in a semester per production
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The procedure conception, the outcomes obtained in the study case and the
generalization realized in other types of productions, allowed the authors to obtain a model
that support a structure to organize the execution of energetic improvements in the
industrial process of the oriented actions. It is presented in four stages: training, motivation,
instrumentation and evaluation (Figure 13).
Fig. 13 Procedure to maintain the improvements
It must be noted that the experiences of the construction material production are
conceptualized, departing from the quality improvements in energy management. It is an
experience that can be extended to other organizations.
Continuous improvement in productive processes has an impact on several areas of
the organizations, like enterprise perspicacity and leadership; critical and analytical
thinking; employee performance and cultural change. It also affects the process management,
improvement tools and quality value. All these changes come from a perspective strategy,
related to the organizational sustainability (Cudney and Keim, 2017). Not unreasonably,
alternative sources of energy, such as wind, are always considered and a permanent source of
study (Jones and Gautam, 2014).
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The conclusions obtained in this case study are the following:
1. The quality improvement in industrial processes, particularly in the manufacture of
building materials, when analyzed from the perspective of quality approaches, facilitates
the projection of quality practices with impact on business strategy. This is essential in
the development of managerial activities. These activities systematically detect
alternatives for improvement through the selection and development of tools, which with
a process approach, integrate organizational and technological aspects. With better
exploitation of available technology, it is possible to raise current levels of energy
efficiency and production quality.
2. In the brick production process, the highest consumption of energy is observed (>70%).
In the production plants of Trinidad municipality, the clay that is processed has a high
content of iron oxides and silicates (higher melting point), and although they have low
technological development, they assume approximately 50% of the brick production of
the territory. This situation results in non-compliance with technical requirements for
the low quality of the finished product, with losses higher than average (5%), so that no
more than US$ 3,743.64 is allowed in the year. The evidence of the opportunity for
improvement is clearly present here.
3. In the analysis of the total losses of the five brick-making production plants of Trinidad
in years I and II a decrease of the crude brick (≥16% of humidity) in the factories was
evidenced by improvements made only in one production plant. A new quality control
zone (according to Juran Quality Trilogy) was defined in year I (2.5-4.5% losses). For year
II, losses were fixed on 0.5-1.5%. This involved planning a level of losses at least 1.6 times
lower and variability 2 times lower. In addition, a reduction of the consumption index of
0.2739 to 0.2386 L/brick, in the furnace was achieved, for a saving of 11,000 liters of fuel
oil in 6 months.
4. The actions established by the management staff were aimed at preserving the
improvements achieved and extending them to other production centers. This way,
significant improvements were achieved in fuel consumption rates, in units of the
municipality of Sancti Spíritus dedicated to the manufacture of roof tiles and clay pipes.
For both products the raw material used had parameters that facilitated the optimization
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of the burning process, expressed in significant savings in fuel consumption according to
the volume of production executed: 6,228 L/ semester in roof tiles and 11,682 L/ semester
in pipes.
5. This research identifies best quality management practices and approaches to improve
production performance based on the quality product degree and the orientation of the
process technology used in the manufacturing system (Leffakis, 2016; Sarosky, 2017).
This study dealt with an industrial sector that plays an important role in the economy
of developing countries, which is that of construction materials, a sector that generates many
jobs and produces resources for the people involved.
For this sector, this research shows considerable improvements, particularly in terms
of energy management, which is also a major priority for developing countries. In this sense,
a model is presented to execute actions aimed at energy improvements in an industrial
process, where experiences are conceptualized, and according to the development of
competences in quality professionals as proposed by Cudney and Keim (2017).
It should be noted that the conclusions presented here, the results displayed and the
recommendations made are directed to the studied industry. The generalization of these
aspects is limited to the analytical context of the study.
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