Esta publicación científica en formato digital  
es continuidad de la revista impresa  
ISSN 0041-8811  
E-ISSN 2665-0428  
de la  
del Zulia  
Fundada en 1947  
por el Dr. Jesús Enrique Lossada  
y Arte  
Año 12 N° 34  
Septiembre - Diciembre 2021  
Tercera Época  
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 12 N° 34, 2021  
Karina Oleksenko & Irina Khavina /// Essence and structure of the readiness of future primary  398-409  
Essence and structure of the readiness of future primary school  
teachers to design the learning environment  
Karina Oleksenko *  
Irina Khavina **  
The purpose of the study is to determine the essence of the preparation of future primary  
school teachers to design the learning environment in the operation of the new Ukrainian  
school. The application of methods that helped to carry out theoretical research: analysis and  
synthesis, systematization of materials, historical and logical, comparative, systemic and  
structural, allowed to study the essence of the preparation of future primary school teachers  
to design the learning environment in the New Ukraine School. This study allowed us to  
determine the essence of the preparation of future primary school teachers as specialists of  
the new generation, to design the learning environment of primary school students. The  
preparation structure of future primary school teachers is determined to design the learning  
environment and the content of its main constructs is specified, namely: the motivational,  
cognitive, operational-active and emotional-volitional components.  
KEY WORDS: primary school; design; Learning environment; teacher attitudes.  
Recibido: 20/05/2021  
Aceptado: 08/07/2021  
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 12 N° 34, 2021  
Karina Oleksenko & Irina Khavina /// Essence and structure of the readiness of future primary  398-409  
Esencia y estructura de la preparación de los futuros profesores de  
primaria para diseñar el entorno de aprendizaje  
El propósito del estudio es determinar la esencia de la preparación de los futuros maestros de  
escuela primaria para diseñar el entorno de aprendizaje en el funcionamiento de la nueva  
escuela ucraniana. La aplicación de métodos que ayudaron a realizar investigaciones teóricas:  
análisis y síntesis, sistematización de materiales, histórico y lógico, comparativo, sistémico y  
estructural, permitió estudiar la esencia de la preparación de los futuros maestros de escuela  
primaria para diseñar el entorno de aprendizaje en la Nueva Escuela Ucrania. Este estudio  
nos permitió determinar la esencia de la preparación de los futuros maestros de la escuela  
primaria como especialistas de la nueva generación, para diseñar el entorno de aprendizaje de  
los estudiantes de la escuela primaria. Se determina la estructura de preparación de los  
futuros profesores de primaria para diseñar el entorno de aprendizaje y se especifica el  
contenido de sus principales constructos, a saber: los componentes motivacional, cognitivo,  
operacional-activo y emocional-volitivo.  
PALABRAS CLAVE: escuela primaria; diseño; ambiente de aprendizaje; actitudes del  
Ukraine's integration into the world educational space requires continuous  
improvement of the national education system, particularly primary education, which is due  
to a number of orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and state  
regulatory documents, which declare the requirements for the educational process of  
elementary school, professional and pedagogical activity and personality of a new generation  
teacher - the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education" (2014), "On Education" (2017), the  
Concept of the New Ukrainian School (2017), the Concept of Teacher Education  
Development (2018), the State Standard of Primary Education (2018) and others.  
Now of particular importance is the idea of creating a learning environment that can  
provide a set of opportunities for all subjects of the educational process for self-development.  
The success of this process will affect the quality of training of primary education applicants  
and the professional activities of the new type of teacher, who should be distinguished by  
holistic, innovative thinking, goal-oriented behavior, research activity, the ability to make  
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 12 N° 34, 2021  
Karina Oleksenko & Irina Khavina /// Essence and structure of the readiness of future primary  398-409  
balanced and constructive decisions.  
The problem of professional training of future primary school teachers is variously  
revealed in scientific research, in particular in recent years: "Preparation of future primary  
school teachers for orthoepic work in a trilingual learning environment" (Sheremet, 2015);  
Preparing future teachers to create a healthy primary school environment" (Osadchenko,  
016); "Preparation of future teachers for the development of creative potential of junior  
schoolchildren by means of art therapy" (Kovinko, 2018); "Pedagogical conditions of  
preparation of future primary school teachers for communicative and speech development of  
students" (Shalivska, 2018); "Preparation of future teachers for modeling a lesson in the  
conditions of variability of primary education" (Nesterenko, 2019) and other.  
However, the formation of the readiness of future elementary school teachers to design  
the learning environment in the implementation of the objectives of the New Ukrainian  
School Concept is still relevant for the present and requires further study.  
The aim of the study: is to theoretically justify the essence and basic readiness  
constructs of future elementary school teachers to design the learning environment.  
The objectives of the study: to consider the essence of readiness to design the  
learning environment; to identify and characterize the structural components of the  
readiness of future elementary school teachers to design the learning environment.  
. Theory and methodology of the research  
Of special importance for our study are the achievements of researchers concerning  
the readiness of future elementary school teachers in the context of mastering professional  
activity. Thus scientists define readiness as: integrated personal education, which includes a  
set of psychological and pedagogical, informational and methodological knowledge and  
skills, as well as personal qualities necessary for effective use of information and  
communication technologies in the educational process (structure covers motivational-  
valuable, cognitive, operational-activational, reflexive and evaluative components)  
Andriyevska, 2019; Tigrov, 2021); holistic integrated personality quality of a future  
elementary school teacher, characterizes his motivation for communicative and speech  
students development, the combination of knowledge, skills and abilities to develop  
communicative and speech activity of elementary school students and ensuring  
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 12 N° 34, 2021  
Karina Oleksenko & Irina Khavina /// Essence and structure of the readiness of future primary  398-409  
communicative and speech students development in the process of professional and  
pedagogical activity (structure covers motivational and value, cognitive, activity and  
technological and productive components) (Shalivska, 2018); complex personal formation in  
the structure of which the motivational, cognitive, communicative and active, reflexive  
components are distinguished (Sheremet, 2015); the persistent integrative personal-  
professional ability of a future teacher, characterized by the presence of motivation to  
develop the creative potential of younger students, personal-professional qualities, acquired  
knowledge, abilities and skills, including creative self-development and reflex (structure  
covers motivational-valuable, content, procedural, personal-reflexive components)  
Kovinko, 2018), and others.  
Researchers have considered the processes of modeling and designing a certain type  
of environment in the primary education applicants' training, which are components of  
future teachers' professional competence. M. Nesterenko clarifies the essence of the concept  
design-modeling competence of future elementary school teachers", which acts as a  
reference result their professional training, is the awareness of pedagogical modeling  
personally important for their own professional activity, ability to model the lesson in a  
variable elementary education conditions (to plan, select resources, design a model), to  
reflect on the implementation of the pedagogical concept, the desire for self-development and  
self-improvement (Nesterenko, 2019). Т. Osadchenko introduces the concept of "health  
preserving competence of a future elementary school teacher", is interpreted as a component  
formation in the structure of his professional competence, unites in one motives of  
professional and health preserving activity, the system of knowledge and skills of organizing  
the interaction of "teacher - student - parents" on the basis of health saving, the optimal  
combination of which on the basis of personal qualities, acquired experience and aspiration  
for professional self-development provides readiness and ability of a future teacher to create  
a health-saving elementary school environment (Osadchenko, 2016) and others.  
Based on the analysis of scientific research, psychological and pedagogical literature  
and legal documents, the definition of the essence of readiness to design a learning  
environment is formulated. A content analysis was conducted to clarify and specify the  
conceptual and categorical apparatus for understanding the constructs of readiness of future  
primary school teachers to design the learning environment.  
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 12 N° 34, 2021  
Karina Oleksenko & Irina Khavina /// Essence and structure of the readiness of future primary  398-409  
So, the main feature of readiness for professional activity is its integrative nature, which  
manifests itself in the internal structures orderliness, coherence of the main professional  
personality components, in sustainability, stability and continuity of their functioning. As an  
integral formation, readiness reflects a holistic state of a personality, including not only the  
presence of abilities and qualities necessary in future activity, but also attitude towards it,  
which is manifested in needs, desires, motives. Readiness for activity develops on the basis  
of assimilation of general and professional knowledge, abilities and skills formation,  
perfection of established professionally important personal qualities.  
In determining the structure and content of the readiness of future elementary school  
teachers to design the learning environment we took into account:  
requirements for professional competence of an elementary school teacher (ability to  
pedagogical activity, organization of the educational process in the elementary school at the  
modern requirements level, ability to act effectively, effectively solve standard and  
problematic professional tasks arising in the teaching process, education and development  
of elementary school students), whose basis is the unity of theoretical and practical readiness  
to carry out pedagogical activities, which is manifested in the presence of systems,  
knowledge, skills, value attitudes to professional activity and the experience of their  
implementation in practice;  
professional pedagogical competencies (didactic, educational, organizational) and  
their correlation with the competency classification of the National Qualifications  
Framework (Osadchenko, 2016).  
the operation system (abilities and skills, knowledge and understanding) required  
to perform professional tasks;  
the peculiarities of projecting activity, found in the goals, process and results  
the peculiarities of the personal readiness phenomenon, connected with the  
intellectual, emotional, reflexive, volitional, motivational and activity spheres;  
dynamic model of personality structure within the framework of system-activity  
approach by K. Platonov, which contains substructures of directionality, experience, forms  
of reflection and biological conditionality.  
2. The results of the study  
Designing as a project creation activity is characterized by two things: the ideal nature  
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 12 N° 34, 2021  
Karina Oleksenko & Irina Khavina /// Essence and structure of the readiness of future primary  398-409  
of the action and its focus on the appearance of something in the future. These two  
characteristics distinguish designing from other types of activity (Sosnytska, Kryvylova,  
Oleksenko, 2020).  
Designing the learning environment is an important professional task of future  
elementary school teachers, which requires a daily solution in the conditions of the real  
educational process.  
The main requirements for designing students' learning environment and the latest  
guidelines in the preparation of future elementary school teachers for the specified activity  
The learning environment as an object of design reflects the relationship of certain  
conditions of organized, two-way activity of the teacher and students aimed at the maximum  
assimilation and awareness of the educational material and further application of the  
acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in practice (Cabrera et al, 2020);  
the methodological foundations for designing the learning environment are:  
competency-based approach - organizing the learning process in order to form key, subject  
and life competencies; integrative approach - taking into account internal subject and  
interdisciplinary links, maximum overcoming of isolated teaching of subjects and creating  
fundamentally new educational programs; research-based approach - using research forms,  
methods and means of learning; person-centered approach - directing the learning process to  
the following  
understanding of the modern lesson as a project to create real conditions for the  
intellectual, social, moral formation of the students' personality, allows to achieve high  
results in learning, the process of which is built on three basic types of activity: learning  
mastering cultural samples, existing knowledge, conceptual positions) practice  
acquisition of skills, methods of activity); research and design (entering the subjective  
position in relation to reality).  
clear structuring of the interaction of participants in the educational process, which  
will contribute to the development of independent learning activities of students: awareness  
of their own role in solving learning tasks; presence of purpose, motivation and activity of  
implementation of activities; planning of future work, identifying its results and awareness  
of ways in which you can get new knowledge and skills, identify common ways of action;  
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 12 N° 34, 2021  
Karina Oleksenko & Irina Khavina /// Essence and structure of the readiness of future primary  398-409  
control over their actions, ways of their implementation and evaluation; seeing the  
importance of the mastered experience, knowledge, skills, acquired personal qualities for  
achieving the goal;  
formation of specific professionally important qualities of future elementary school  
teachers to design students' learning environment: problem vision, creativity, persistence,  
tolerance for mistakes, tolerance, openness, accessibility and flexibility (Radyonova, S.  
Savelova, S. Philosophical Dictionary: the largest collection of online dictionaries).  
The analysis of scientific research on the essence and structure of future specialists'  
readiness for various aspects of professional activity indicates the importance of  
motivational, cognitive, operational-activational and emotional-volitional components.  
Motivation is a set of external and internal driving forces that motivate the activity  
and give it orientation, focused on achieving a certain goal. The development of positive  
learning motivation in future elementary school teachers is a condition for personal  
development and effective professional training. Among the various motives of learning there  
are internal and external. Internal motives are associated with cognitive need, pleasure from  
the process of learning and are characterized by activity at the stage of professional  
formation. External motives are associated with the needs, which are focused on material  
benefits, the prestige of the chosen profession, recognition and reveal a positive or negative  
attitude to obtain the expected result of the activity. That is, future elementary school  
teachers, in addition to the motivation for success, may focus on the negatives, failures and  
punishments in the process of mastering the specialty. In this case we can not talk about the  
full development of personality and formation of a professional. Inadequacy of motives of  
learning activity can be the reason of insufficient preparation for professional activity.  
So, the motivational component of the readiness of future elementary school teachers  
to design learning environments is characterized as: established cognitive need to master the  
projective activity; interest in the process of creating a learning environment; sustained desire  
to update and enrich knowledge on the development of primary education based on the ideas  
of the Concept of the New Ukrainian School.  
The cognitive component of readiness for any activity includes understanding of  
certain tasks, knowledge of the ways to solve them and the means of achieving the goal,  
analysis of possible changes in the situation. The challenges of time imply a change not so  
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 12 N° 34, 2021  
Karina Oleksenko & Irina Khavina /// Essence and structure of the readiness of future primary  398-409  
much in the content and tools of pedagogical activity, as in thinking. The skills of integrative  
thinking allow solving professional problems effectively. One of the main characteristics of  
integrative thinking is consistency. The knowledge formed as a result of integrative thinking  
also have this property. Systemic knowledge ensures the ability of future elementary school  
teachers to identify, install, study the existing structural relations of pedagogical phenomena;  
the ability to see the studied phenomena in the dynamics of development; the ability to  
predict and model further possible transformations of phenomena. Thus, integrative  
thinking, its formation in future elementary school teachers is an objective necessity due to  
the rapid transformation of various factors in the field of education. Cognitive activity  
organically combines both already acquired experience (knowledge, mental skills and  
abilities) and the ability of further independent assimilation and application in practice. The  
quality of knowledge (flexibility, strength, understanding), as one of the main indicators of  
professional training, is central to the evaluation of both theoretical and practical learning.  
Thus, the content of the cognitive component of the readiness of future elementary  
school teachers to design the learning environment reflects the developed properties of  
integrative thinking that meet the requirements of projective activity; understanding of the  
features of the learning environment of primary education applicants and the process of its  
The readiness of future elementary school teachers to design the learning environment  
involves operating with all the necessary techniques for obtaining and processing  
professional information. For example, future teachers of elementary school should operate  
with basic didactic concepts; apply in school practice different approaches to the  
organization of the educational process of primary education applicants (students);  
distinguish types of lessons by structure and use them in accordance with the didactic  
purpose; comply with the basic requirements for a modern lesson; To know the methods and  
methods of stimulation of educational-cognitive interests of students; to determine the ways  
of optimization of educational activity of students; to be able to organize independent  
educational-research activity of students; to carry out didactic analysis of a lesson at  
elementary school; to apply forms and methods of diagnostics of learning results; to possess  
the skills of control and evaluation of educational achievements of students and so on. Of  
particular importance is the ability and readiness to carry out a purposeful sequence of  
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 12 N° 34, 2021  
Karina Oleksenko & Irina Khavina /// Essence and structure of the readiness of future primary  398-409  
actions to synthesize systems or their individual components, the development of  
documentation necessary to implement and use objects and processes; the ability to design,  
construct and model pedagogical situations.  
Thus, the operational-activational component of future elementary school teachers'  
readiness to design learning environments is characterized by the ability to create learning  
environments taking into account the elementary education variability and educational  
process resources.  
Designing the learning environment successfully depends on the level of formation of  
the emotional-will component of the elementary school teachers' readiness. Will is the ability  
to self-determination and self-regulation of activity and various mental processes. The  
volitional personality features include self-control, endurance, patience, persistence,  
determination, courage, criticality (Fundamentals of Psychology). Will is manifested when a  
future specialist meets difficulties on the goal realization way. The final stage of will  
manifestation is actions related to overcoming internal or external obstacles. The importance  
of the emotional sphere of education applicants is noted in the Concept of the New Ukrainian  
School, where emotional intelligence is highlighted as one of the areas with which each  
graduate should be familiarized. Emotions reflect the attitude of future elementary school  
teachers to the world around them, to other participants in the educational process, to  
themselves and to their own activity results. Designing the learning environment is a rather  
complex, multidimensional and multifaceted process. It requires complex regulation of a  
whole complex of mental processes, properties, and states. For successful projective activity  
future elementary school teachers should know and masterfully use their emotional and  
sensual potential.  
So, the emotional-volitional component of the readiness of future elementary school  
teachers to design the learning environment is characterized by awareness of their own  
emotional-volitional capabilities; force mobilization during the design activity;  
responsibility for making professional decisions to create the learning environment of  
elementary education applicants.  
Based on the psycho-pedagogical research analysis, we interpret the concept  
readiness of future elementary school teachers to design the learning environment" as a  
sustainable state of readiness to successfully create real conditions for intellectual, social,  
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 12 N° 34, 2021  
Karina Oleksenko & Irina Khavina /// Essence and structure of the readiness of future primary  398-409  
moral formation of elementary education applicants, based on the mobilization of potential  
capabilities (motivational, operational-activity, cognitive, emotional-will) and experience, in  
order to obtain the expected result and further personal development in a changing  
Therefore, based on the analysis of regulatory documents, psychological and  
pedagogical literature and scientific research, the essence of readiness to design the learning  
environment of primary school applicants and for the first time formulated its interpretation  
in the professional formation context of future elementary school teachers as a new  
generation of specialists in the New Ukrainian school. Defined the structure of the readiness  
of future elementary school teachers to design learning environments and clarified the  
content of its main components, such as motivational, cognitive, operational-activational and  
emotional-volitional components.  
For the first time, the interpretation of the readiness of future primary school teachers  
to design the learning environment is formulated, its structure is determined and the content  
of the main components - motivational, cognitive, operational and emotional and volitional  
is specified.  
The prospect of further research in this direction is associated with the development  
of a model for the formation of future elementary school teachers' readiness to design the  
learning environment.  
About coverage: Law of Ukraine dated 09/05/2017. No. 38-39. Recovered from URL:  
About the concept of realizing state policy in the sphere of reforming the home middle  
education "New Ukrainian School" for the period up to 2029: order of the Cabinet of  
Ministers of Ukraine No. 988 dated 14 March 2016. Recovered from URL:  
About the consolidated concept of development of pedagogical education: mandate of the  
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 12 N° 34, 2021  
Karina Oleksenko & Irina Khavina /// Essence and structure of the readiness of future primary  398-409  
About the consolidation of the national framework of qualifications: Resolution of the  
Cabinet of the Ministries of Ukraine No. 1341 dated 23.11.2011r Recovered from URL:  
Andriyevska, V. M (2019). Theoretical and methodical bases of preparation of the future  
teacher of elementary school for use of information and communication technologies in  
professional activity. Extended abstract of candidates thesis. Kharkiv [in Ukrainian]  
Cabrera Zurita, A., Ríos Campos, C., Camacho Delgado, F., Sánchez Medina, G., Ríos  
Campos, P., Estela Urbina, R., & Gutiérrez Valverde, K. (2020). Resolución de problemas en  
cuatro pasos como proyección didáctica en el contexto de la enseñanza de la Física. Revista  
Latinoamericana De Difusión Científica, 2(3), 39-71.  
Kovinko, A.V. (2018). Preparation of future teachers for the development of creative potential  
of junior schoolchildren by means of art - therapy. Extended abstract of candidates thesis.  
Kharkiv [in Ukrainian]  
Nesterenko, M. М. (2019). Preparation of future teachers for modeling a lesson in the  
conditions of variability of primary education. Extended abstract of candidates thesis.  
Berdiansk [in Ukrainian]  
Osadchenko, T. M. (2016). Preparing future teachers to create a healthy primary school  
environment. Extended abstract of candidates thesis. Zhytomyr, [in Ukrainian]  
Radyonova, S., Savelova, S. Philosophical Dictionary: the largest collection of online  
Shalivska, Yu. V. (2018). Pedagogical conditions of preparation of future primary school  
teachers for communicative and speech development of students. Extended abstract of  
candidates thesis. Rivne [in Ukrainian]  
Sheremet, O. V. (2015). Preparation of future primary school teachers for orthoepic work in  
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