de la
del Zulia
Fundada en 1947
por el Dr. Jesús Enrique Lossada
ISSN 0041-8811
E-ISSN 2665-0428
Ciencias del
y Tecnología
Año 13 N° 36
Enero - Abril 2022
Tercera Época
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 13 N° 36, 2022
Yevhen Leheza et al. /// Foreign experience and international legal standards for the application 276-287
Foreign experience and international legal standards for the
application of artificial intelligence in criminal proceedings
Yevhen Leheza *
Valentyn Len **
Oleh Shkuta ***
Oleksiy Titarenkо****
Nataliia Cherniak *****
The purpose of the research is to analyze the use of artificial intelligence in the justice systems
of developed countries and the prospects for its use in criminal proceedings in Ukraine.
Methodology: Research from the analysis of documentary sources; the basis is the dialectical
method of knowledge of the facts of social reality, on which the formal legal and comparative
legal approaches are largely based. Conclusions. In the near future, the accompanying
organizational measures for the introduction of artificial intelligence and its regulatory
support in public administrations (which are associated with the storage of big data,
information processing based on mathematical algorithms and decision-making based on
artificial intelligence) will be an integral component of life in our society. In fact, the use of
artificial intelligence creates a model of digital decision automation. Such automation
simplifies the decision-making procedure in similar procedures, which, of course, improves
efficiency and simplifies the procedural decision-making procedure in terms of economy.
KEY WORDS: artificial intelligence; automation; computers; cybernetics; Legislation.
*Professor, Doctor of Science in law, Professor at the Department of Administrative and Customs Law,
University of Customs and Finance, Ukraine. ORCID: E-mail:
**Professor of Department of Public Law, Dnipro University of Technology. ORCID:
0002-1382-3335. E-mail:
***Professor, Doctor of Science in law, Professor at the Department of Professional and Special Disciplines
of Kherson Faculty, Odesa State University of Internal Affairs, Kherson, Ukraine. ORCID: E-mail:
****Associate professor, Doctor of Science in Law, Professor at the Department of Law enforcement activity
and Criminal Law Disciplines, University of Customs and Finance, Ukraine. ORCID:
0002-3271-9402. E-mail:
***** Associate Professor, Department of Criminal Procedure, Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal
Affairs 26 Gagarin Ave., Dnipro, 49005, Ukraine. ORCID: E-
Recibido: 01/10/2021 Aceptado: 29/11/2021
REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 13 N° 36, 2022
Yevhen Leheza et al. /// Foreign experience and international legal standards for the application 276-287
Experiencia extranjera y normas jurídicas internacionales para la
aplicación de inteligencia artificial en procedimientos penales
El objetivo de la investigación es analizar el uso de la inteligencia artificial en los sistemas
judiciales de los pses desarrollados y las perspectivas de su uso en procesos penales en
Ucrania. Metodología: Investigación a partir del análisis de fuentes documentales; la base es
el método dialéctico de conocimiento de los hechos de la realidad social, en el que se basan
en gran medida los enfoques jurídicos formales y jurídicos comparados. Conclusiones. En un
futuro próximo, las medidas organizativas de acompañamiento para la implantación de la
inteligencia artificial y su apoyo regulatorio en las administraciones públicas (que están
asociadas al almacenamiento de big data, procesamiento de información basado en
algoritmos matemáticos y toma de decisiones basada en inteligencia artificial) serán un
componente integral de la vida en nuestra sociedad. De hecho, el uso de inteligencia artificial
crea un modelo de automatización de decisiones digitales. Dicha automatización simplifica
el procedimiento de toma de decisiones en procedimientos similares, lo que, por supuesto,
mejora la eficiencia y simplifica el procedimiento de toma de decisiones en rminos de
PALABRAS CLAVE: inteligencia artificial; automatización; informática; cibernética;
When analyzing the latest achievements in the sphere of Artificial Intelligence it must
be recognized in the nearest future, accompanying organizational measures for introduction
of artificial intelligence and its regulatory support in public authorities, which are associated
with the storage of big data, information processing based on mathematical algorithms and
decision-making based on artificial intelligence will be an integral component of life of our
Up to date artificial intelligence technologies are already being introduced in the
judicial systems of China, the United States, Great Britain, France, and Argentina, they can
with mathematical precision predict percentage of a court decision probability based on the
respective algorithm and so they help to make court decisions in the respective proceedings.
The mentioned artificial intelligence technologies use software and “machine learning”
mathematical apparatus.
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Yevhen Leheza et al. /// Foreign experience and international legal standards for the application 276-287
Machine learning gives an opportunity to build a mathematical model of data, which
includes a large number of variables unknown in advance. Parameters are configured
gradually, during the learning phase, which uses learning data sets for search and
classification. Various methods of machine learning are chosen by developers choose
depending on the nature of tasks to be performed (grouped). These methods are usually
classified into three categories: supervised learning (learning with a teacher), uncontrolled
learning (learning without a teacher) and reinforced learning (learning with reinforcement).
These three categories group different methods, including neural networks, deep learning,
Paragraph P of the European Parliament’s resolution concerning Civil Law Rules on
Robotics 2015/2103 (INL) dated 16 February 2017 takes into account the fact that, in the long
run, it is likely that artificial intelligence may exceed human intellectual potential. In the
nearest future, the chance of using such technologies in courts of general jurisdiction of
Ukraine and in the sphere of criminal proceedings of Ukraine can be assessed as extremely
high, and the scope of its application is not limited to work of artificial intelligence in courts.
We can also talk about work of artificial intelligence in the sphere of activities performed by
prosecutor and police. Therefore, practice of using mathematical algorithms and software
that processes big data in the sphere of criminal proceedings with further making proceeding
decisions, requires a substantial research.
1. Literature review
Issues related to research of artificial intelligence in procedural activities, problems of
criminal law and legal regulation of artificial intelligence were researched by Sartor, L. Karl
Branting “Judicial Application of Artificial Intelligence (Sartor, 1998), G. Hallevy When
Robots Kill: Artificial Intelligence under Criminal Law (Hallevy, 2015), K. Brennan-
Marquez, S. Henderson “Artificial Intelligence and Role-Reversible Judgment”, Ronald J.
Allen Artificial Intelligence and Evidentiary Process: Challenges of Formalism and
Computation” (Allen, 2001), T. S. Zaplatina “Artificial Intelligence in the Issue of Making
Judicial Decisions” (Zaplatina, 2019), O. Е. Radutnyi Artificial Intellect as a Subject in
Criminal Law(Radutnyi, 2017) and others. The sphere related to artificial intelligence in
criminal proceedings in Ukraine remains weakly researched.
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2. Materials and methods
The research starts from the analysis of documentary sources and is based on the
dialectical method for the knowledge of the facts of social reality; This method largely forms
the basis for formally legal and comparatively legal approaches.
Using the dialectical method the modern conceptual base and the issue of legal
technologies as instruments of applying artificial intelligence in judicial systems of developed
states is formulated and its use in criminal proceedings of Ukraine are analyzed. The officially
dogmatic method contributed to the development of the author’s explanation of the up-to-
date state, problems, problems and practical role of legal technologies for further
development and improvement of artificial intelligence application in the judicial systems of
developed states and analysis of its use in criminal proceedings of Ukraine. The officially legal
method gave an opportunity to offer directions and types of using legal technologies for
artificial intelligence application in court systems of developed countries and to analyze
prospects of its use in criminal proceedings of Ukraine.
3. Results and discussion
The European ethical Charter on the use of Artificial Intelligence in judicial systems
and their environment dated December 34, 2018 provides a narrow definition of the
following terms: artificial intelligence, algorithm, machine learning, big data, database,
expert systems, neural networks, etc. Artificial intelligence is defined as a set of scientific
methods, theories and techniques aimed at machine-based reproduction of human cognitive
abilities. Modern developments seek to make machines perform complex tasks previously
performed by humans. However, the term artificial intelligence” is criticized by experts who
distinguish between “strong” artificial intelligence, which can contextualize specialized and
diverse problems completely autonomously, and weakor moderate” artificial intelligence
(which is highly effective in the sphere of “machine learning”).
There are several legal services/systems in the world that use artificial intelligence:
In France (search system), Prédictice (analysts, except criminal cases),
case Law Analytics (analysts, except criminal cases), Juris Data Analytics LexisNexis
(search system, analytics, except criminal cases);
In the UK Luminance (analytics), HART Harm Assessment Risk Tool (analytics,
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Yevhen Leheza et al. /// Foreign experience and international legal standards for the application 276-287
criminal cases, risk assessment);
In the United States of America Watson/Ross IBM (analytics), Lex Machina
LexisNexis (analytics), COMPAS corrective offer Management Profiling for alternative
sanctions are used by US courts to assess likelihood of defendant’s recidivism and to analyze
previous misconducts;
In Argentina Prometea (analysts, civil and administrative cases)
In China Compulsory Similar cases Search and Reporting mechanism (analytics) is
used in the Supreme People’s Court of the People’s Republic of China.
The most powerful systems of the presented list work in courts and police and help judges
make procedural decisions. In the United States of America there is a COMPAS (corrective
Offshore Management Profiling for alternative sanctions) system, which was used by the
state courts of New York, Wisconsin, California, Florida in Broward County as well as by
courts of other jurisdictions in the United States. COMPAS software uses an algorithm to
assess the potential risk of a repetition of crime. According to the COMPAS user manual, the
scales were designed using behavioral and psychological constructions “which are very
important for the recurrence of crimes and criminal careers.” The COMPAS system estimates
not just the risk, but also nearly two dozen so-called criminogenic needs” that relate to the basic theories
of crime, including “criminal personality”, “social isolation”, “drug abuse and
"living/stability". Defendants in each category are classified as low, medium or high risk
personalities (Lu, 2019).
In Ukraine, similar work is performed by staff of the probation body within
preparation of pre-trial reports, supervisory and penitentiary probations. It should be noted
that in Ukraine probation programs have only just begun to develop and it is somewhat
premature to talk about the use of artificial intelligence in the preparation of a pre-trial
reports, but an analogy can be used for a comparative analysis of existing artificial
intelligence technologies and work of probation staff. According to parts 1, 3 of Art. 9 of the
Law of Ukraine “On Probation”, pre-trial probation is the provision of the court with
formalized information that characterizes the respective accused person, in order the court
could make a decision on the level of his/her responsibility. A pre-trial report on the accused
person must contain: Social and psychological characteristics; assessment of risks of repeated
criminal offenses; conclusion on the possibility of correction without restriction of liberty or
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Yevhen Leheza et al. /// Foreign experience and international legal standards for the application 276-287
imprisonment for a certain period of time (Law of Ukraine, 2015). According to parts 1, 2 of
Art. 3141 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine in order to provide the court with
information that characterizes the accused person, as well as for making a court decision on
the level of punishment, a representative of the authorized probation body shall prepare a
pre-trial report by court order. A pre-trial report shall be compiled concerning a person
accused of committing a minor or medium crime or a serious crime with the lower limit of
punishment never exceeding five years of imprisonment. A pretrial report on a juvenile
accused aged 14 to 18 shall be compiled regardless of the gravity of the crime committed,
except in cases provided for by the Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine. (Law of Ukraine,
No doubt, for a court is an advantage when such reports are compiled by an artificial
intelligence in automatic mode with an assessment of recidivism risks. But such a report
cannot be a proof of guilt in committing a crime. The proof procedure based on objective
evidence differs from the automated data analysis performed by a system of artificial
intelligence. When assessing risks, artificial intelligence takes data on a certain accused
person from the database, analyzes these data using mathematical algorithms, and makes a
report providing assessment the relevant risks. The more data, the higher accuracy of the
report is. However, if the artificial intelligence takes into account data that will be artificially
created or falsified, will be based on incorrect translation, incorrect expert’s conclusion and
explanations, knowingly false testimony of a witness, victim, suspect, accused will be taken
into account. All these circumstances may affect correctness of artificial intelligence’s
In May 2016, a report5 was published in the United States; according to this report
artificial intelligence was accused of racism. For example, a computer program used by an
American court to assess risk was biased against African Americans (“black prisoners” is
used in the original). The Correctional Offender Management Profiling for Alternative
Sanctions (COMPAS) program was more inclined to mislabeling African-American
defendants (“black defenders” is used in the original) with a possible repetition of offense
almost twice as significant as in case with white people (45% to 24%), according to a
journalistic investigation by ProPublica (Halaburda et al., 2021). This was also stated in the
European ethical Charter on the use of Artificial Intelligence in judicial systems and their
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environment dated December 34, 2018, which stated that ProPublica found discrimination
in the algorithm used in the COMPAS software intended to assess the risk of offense
repetition, when the judge must determine the sentence individually (Leheza et al., 2018).
Criticism of the COMPAS system is a critique of commercial algorithms for assessing
the risk of rime repetition as well as for assessing work of artificial intelligence in courts. But
the main point is that the COMPAS system is applied exactly in criminal proceedings, it simplifies the
working process of judges on making proceeding decisions and improves efficiency of court
work. The negative experience of applying artificial intelligence in courts will be used to
correct future mistakes. An extract from the decision made by the Supreme Court of
Wisconsin in the case of Wisconsin vs. Lomis states: It is important to take into account
such instruments as COMPAS, continue changing and developing. The problems we face
today can very well be changed in future; better tools can be developed (Leheza et al., 2021).
As data changes, our use of evidence-based tools must also change. The justice system should
keep pace with the research and constantly evaluate application of these tools.”
Harm Assessment Risk Tool (HART) artificial intelligence system is very interesting
for this research (Leheza et al., 2021). HART (Harm Risk Assessment Tool) was developed
in partnership with Cambridge University and is now being tested in the UK. This machine-
learning technology used Durham Police Archives from 2008 to 2012 to study the decisions
made by police officers during this period of time Machine learning is expected to assess
risks, taking into account about thirty factors, some of which are not related to crimes
performed (for example, ZIP code and gender). Risks concerning suspects are divided into
categories: low, medium and high level. In tests conducted in early 2013, HART forecasts
found 98% effectiveness in predicting low risk and 88% effectiveness in predicting high risk
of recidivism. In this experimental phase, the HART system will have a purely advisory value
for judges. Auditing of HART functioning and reliability of its conclusions will be conducted
regularly by police (Leheza et al., 2021).
Analysis of the HART system gave us an opportunity to conclude that using such a
system of artificial intelligence in work of the Ukrainian police, risks identified by such a
system could be transferred to courts for making proceeding decisions on suspects and
accused persons. For courts, this is an additional information which can be taken into
account by judges when evaluating the evidence and making a proceeding decision. An
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advantage of working with big data is that the whole “history” of a suspect is recorded in a
proper report (Hassani et al., 2020).
In his article “UK police are Using AI to Inform Custodial Decisions but It could be
Discriminating Against the Poor,” M. Berges notes that in order to assess low, medium and
high risks the HART system uses data from 34 various categories covering age, gender and
history of offenses. These data categories contain information about the postal code. Police
officers are now removing “data” with postal codes that include the first four digits of
Durham’s indexes from the HART system (UK Police are Using AI to Inform Custodial
Decisions but It Could be Discriminating against the Poor, 2018).
Again, one can see a discriminatory feature in operation of artificial intelligence, and
this discriminatory feature is being worked on by the British police and scientists. When
developing similar systems in Ukraine, it is necessary to take into account such mistakes and
possibly take into account other social features in order to avoid discriminatory factors.
Prometea system of artificial intelligence should be considered separately. The
presented information was taken from an article on LegalHub and it in the best possible way
demonstrates operation of artificial intelligence in prosecutor’s office and court concerning
efficiency and procedural economy. For example, the Buenos Aires District Prosecutor’s
Office in Argentina summed up interim results of testing the Prometea software application,
which can make and issue a court decision from a number of categories of civil and
administrative cases in 10 seconds. Prometea analyzed about 300 thousand scanned court
decisions from 2016 to 2017, including 2 thousand resolutions3. In Argentina, district
prosecutors make decisions, and presiding judges either dismiss these decisions and write
their own ones, or simply approve them. Now, as soon as a new case enters the prosecutor’s
office, Prometea compares the invoice with the most relevant decisions in its database - and
this allows the program to guess in about 10 seconds how the court will react to the situation.
As a result of applying the program, prosecutors were released from large arrays of routine
activities. According to the head of the office, fifteen of his lawyers in just six weeks cope
with the volume of work that before needed about six months to be done. Prometea is also
highly praised by judges, who have so far approved 33 of the 33 decisions proposed by this
system (it is now used in 84 other cases under consideration) (Leheza et al., 2021).
China is also making progress in using of big data and introduction of artificial
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intelligence technology in the justice system. The above information appeared on several
resources. During the latest judicial reform of Chinese courts, from 2014 to 2017, China’s
Supreme People’s Court promoted a system of “similar court decisions for similar cases” in
order to ensure an effective judicial oversight. The system of similar court decisions for
similar cases mentioned by the Supreme People's Court of China means that criteria for
making court decisions must be in line with the case a judge is considering and previous
cases, which have been completed by the respective court and the Supreme Court as well as
in line with other similar cases. The Supreme People’s Court of China hopes to achieve
“similar sentences in similar cases” through the use of artificial intelligence (AI) technology.
Such an aspiration to standardize court decisions in similar cases” means a desire to
automate court decisions and create a model of standard decisions in mass proceedings
(Wamba-Taguimdje et al., 2020).
Unfortunately, this application only works with civil and administrative cases, but it
is possible that in future, the developer of the Prometea application, programmer Ignacio
Raffa will be able to supplement appropriate algorithms of the program for Prometea’s
operation in criminal proceedings. In Ukraine, such an application could help investigating
judges in deciding on measures to ensure criminal proceedings or in choosing precautionary
measures. The main point is that Prometea is not only able to determine a court decision in
10 seconds and the program is also able to execute it; and the result of Prometea’s operation
in court is thirty-three court decisions of thirty-three ones. In percentage it is 100% positive
result of artificial intelligence operation. The above-mentioned program of artificial
intelligence has become interesting for the UN and the World Bank, which is mentioned in
the article. Thus, automation of Buenos Aires justice system has already attracted interest of
the United Nations and the World Bank. The developer of the application Raffa said that he
and his three colleagues hope to introduce similar systems in the USA and Europe by the
spring of 2019 (Leheza et al., 2020).
The Supreme People’s Court of China demands that before making decisions judges
should search for similar cases and related cases in order to ensure that the criteria of such
cases are met. This practice is called the Compulsory Similar Cases Search and Reporting
Mechanism (Leheza et al., 2021). The Supreme People’s Court of China considers the
possibility to adopt this mechanism because of confidence in the technologies and artificial
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intelligence (AI) data of Chinese courts. First, Chinese courts have made significant progress
in big data technology. Chinese courts have included all court decisions throughout the
country in the database and are now digitizing case files that will make it easier to find a
judge. Second, Chinese courts have tried to use artificial intelligence techniques to provide
aid and supervise judges. Up to date this function is used mainly in criminal cases to monitor
correctness of judges’ sentences (Zaplatina, 2019).
But even such progressive measures to standardize similar court decisions according
to the relevant criteria are criticized. Radutnyi notes that during communication with some
judges who use these systems, their feedback is mainly as follows: First, similar cases”
prompted by these systems are not accurate enough, and the similarities with the cases heard
by judges are not sufficient. This means that judges do not have a significant guideline.
Second, experienced judges do not need such systems. However, inexperienced judges are
willing to learn hearing cases using an artificial intelligence system. Therefore, this system is
suitable for preparation of new judges. Third, the technology of artificial intelligence needed
by judges most is “automatic generation of court decisions”: An artificial intelligence system
“reads” case materials, extracts key information from them, and then automatically generates
judgments based on criteria of justice for similar cases (Radutnyi, 2017). Given the fact that
in recent years Chinese judges have fallen into the “surge of load” courts should urgently use
this technology to reduce the workload on judges.
Given the operation of the COMPAS and HART systems, artificial intelligence is able
to assess risks of recidivism and can be successfully used in preparation of pre-trial reports
in criminal proceedings, as well as in supervisory and penitentiary probations in Ukraine.
When dealing with procedural issues regarding measures to ensure criminal proceedings or
selection of preventive measures, artificial intelligence can help investigators, taking into
account the operation experience of Prometea application. By means of using the experience
of Chinese courts in generating big data and implementing artificial intelligence systems
using the Compulsory Similar Cases Search and Reporting Mechanism, it is possible to create
a project for automatic generation of court decisions in Ukraine.
In fact, the use of artificial intelligence creates a model of digital decision automation.
Such automation simplifies the decision-making procedure in similar procedures, which, of
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course, improves efficiency and simplifies the procedural decision-making procedure in
terms of economy. For the use of artificial intelligence in the Ukrainian judicial system, it is
necessary to take appropriate legislative decisions regulating public relations in a particular
area of human activity. The European Ethical Charter on the use of artificial intelligence in
judicial systems and their environment, from December 3-4, 2018, has already laid the
foundations for future legislative decisions on the introduction of artificial intelligence in
courts of general jurisdiction from Ukraine.
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