REVISTA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. 3ª época. Año 13 N° 38, 2022
E. Abiltarova & V. Radkevych /// Methods of diagnosing the motivational and value component… 445-463
measures to prevent occupational injuries in order to reduce accidents and occupational
diseases. Given this, the formation of the culture of safety of professional activity (hereinafter
referred to as CSPA) in future occupational safety engineers, as main managers in the field of
occupational safety in organizations, is an important component of their training.
The concept of “safety culture” was first introduced in 1986 by the International Atomic
Energy Advisory Group (INSAG) of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which in
its report concluded the need to develop the culture of safety as the main safety principle of
nuclear power plants (INSAG-4, 1991). The concept of the culture of safety was later
supported by the International Labor Organization, the International Civil Aviation
Organization, and the World Health Organization.
Theoretical analysis of scientists’ views on this problem shows that the formation of
CSPA among future occupational safety and health engineers as a subject of research has
always been at the center of philosophical, noxological, economic, sociological, psychological,
environmental and pedagogical research. In particular, it is established that from the
standpoint of philosophy, the safety culture is seen as the security of the individual and the
security of the state, philosophical understanding of the culture of safety lays the foundation
for the development of such a direction as “safety philosophy” (Rybalkin, N. N., 2006),
Fetisova, Yu. V., 2009). Noxological science promotes the development of risk-oriented
thinking (Uglanova, V. Z., 2019), sociological science facilitates the formation of corporate
values in the field of safety, as well as norms of safe behavior in the workplace (Doroshenko,
V. A., Zhartaev, E. M., & Sekacheva, A. A., 2016, Kuznetsov, V. N., 2002). Economics considers
the culture of safety as one of the methods of prevention of occupational injuries
(Marchishina, Y. I., Melnik, V. V., & Sapura, N. V., 2016). In psychological and pedagogical
research, the safety culture is associated with the role of the human factor in accidents at
work, human behavior in dangerous situations, the theory of staff motivation, psychological
methods of improving occupational safety, psychological climate in the team, organizational
culture (Griffin, M. A., & Neal, A., 2000, Gutsykova, S. V., 2016, Zohar, D., 2000). At the same
time, it was found that in the vast majority of scientific pedagogical works the safety culture is
considered through the culture of life safety, culture of personal safety, culture of social