Universidad del Zulia (LUZ)
Revista Venezolana de Gerencia (RVG)
Año 29 No. Especial 12, 2024, 1752-1771
ISSN 1315-9984 / e-ISSN 2477-9423
Como citar: Campa, I., Béjar, V., Madrigal, F., y Madrigal, S. (2024). Analysis of competitiveness through intellectual capital in companies listed on the Mexican Stock Exchange. Revista Venezolana De Gerencia, 29(Especial 12), 1752-1771. https://doi.org/10.52080/rvgluz.29.e12.53
Analysis of competitiveness through intellectual capital in companies listed on the Mexican Stock Exchange
Campa Dominguez, Isaid *
Béjar Tinoco,Víctor **
Madrigal Moreno, Flor ***
Madrigal Moreno, Salvador ****
The objective of this research is to analyze intellectual capital as a tool for creating value in Mexican companies that seek to be more competitive in the market, analyzing their disclosure of intangible matters, as well as the factors that motivate said disclosure. To carry out the analysis, companies from different sectors that are listed on the Mexican Stock Exchange (BMV) were selected. The selection was based on criteria of representativeness and availability of detailed financial and operational data. A quantitative methodology was used, applying multiple regression techniques and factor analysis to measure the influence of intellectual capital variables on competitiveness. The analysis revealed that intellectual capital has a significant impact on the competitiveness of companies listed on the BMV. These findings indicate that a comprehensive and balanced management of the different components of intellectual capital is crucial to improve business competitiveness. The study concludes that companies listed on the BMV should focus on strengthening their intellectual capital to improve their competitiveness to maximize their performance in the market.
Keywords: competitiveness; intellectual capital; companies; BMV.
Recibido: 01.05.24 Aceptado: 23.07.24
* Doctor en Administración. Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo. Email: isaid.campa@umich.mx. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2477-1216
** Doctor en Administración. Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo. Email. vbejar@umich.mx. ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-9941-2317
*** Doctora en Administración. Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo. Email: fmadrigal@umich.mx. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9854-2400
**** Doctor en Administración. Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo. Email: smadrigal@umich.mx. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1672-9966
Análisis de la competitividad a través del capital intelectual en las empresas que cotizan en la Bolsa Mexicana de Valores
El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar el capital intelectual como herramienta de creación de valor en las empresas mexicanas que buscan ser más competitivas en el mercado, analizando su divulgación de asuntos intangibles, así como los factores que motivan dicha divulgación. Para llevar a cabo el análisis, se seleccionaron empresas de distintos sectores que cotizan en la bolsa mexicana de valores (BMV). La selección se basó en criterios de representatividad y disponibilidad de datos financieros y operativos detallados. Se utilizó una metodología cuantitativa, aplicando técnicas de regresión múltiple y análisis factorial para medir la influencia de las variables del capital intelectual en la competitividad. El análisis reveló que el capital intelectual tiene un impacto significativo en la competitividad de las empresas listadas en la BMV. Estos hallazgos indican que una gestión integral y equilibrada de los diferentes componentes del capital intelectual es crucial para mejorar la competitividad empresarial. El estudio concluye que las empresas que cotizan en la BMV deben enfocarse en fortalecer su capital intelectual para mejorar su competitividad para maximizar su desempeño en el mercado.
Palabras clave: competitividad; capital intelectual; empresas; BMV.
1. Introduction
In the concepts of competitiveness in companies, it is necessary to consider tangible and intangible assets, or intellectual capital, as generators of value in companies. This information is of vital importance because these concepts are linked to the value and price per share, which for investors is reflected in the financial performance of companies, since they increase in value when operations grow and their reputation is good and constant.
The companies that are listed within the Mexican Stock Exchange (BMV) by type are those that we know as those that have solid management and high-level operations and that, by listing on the BMV, have met a series of requirements to Being within it, and even being within these companies, they must continue to improve themselves, since, being public companies, they are audited and their information is available to investors at all times.
The value or price per share depends on its performance, and this is linked to its competitiveness, which for investors is reflected in the financial performance of companies, since a company increases in value when its operations grow, its presence and reputation They are constant so your assets, tangible or intangible, increase.
Derived from this, and from the relevance that these companies have in our country, and that as they are companies that smaller companies aspire to reach at some point, the purpose of this research has been to analyze how variables such as capital, with Its three parts (human capital, structural capital and relational capital) affect the competitiveness of these companies.
Therefore, this research considers some studies that analyze data on intellectual capital. That is why this research investigates and analyzes the intellectual capital data within the annual reports and the factors that influence it, such as the COVID-19 pandemic had a deep and varied impact on the stock market during 2020-2021. While sectors like technology and healthcare flourished, others like energy and travel faced major challenges. The crisis also accelerated pre-existing trends towards digitalization and investment in technology, shaping a new economic landscape for the future and supporting the theoretical model.
2. Competitiveness, Intellectual capital and stock indices
Competitiveness has been addressed by several authors from various perspectives. Porter and Millar (1985) describe it as the ability of a company to maintain sustainable advantages over its competitors. Krugman (1994) describes that competitiveness is related to the production of attractive goods and services in the global market. Barney, (1991) highlights the influence of internal resources and capabilities on the competitiveness of a company. Dunning, (1993), Dunning & McQueen (1982) adds the dimension of foreign direct investment that measures competitiveness. Rugman (1985) suggests that the competitiveness of a company in the international market depends not only on its internal capabilities, but also on the advantages offered by its country of origin. These advantages may include natural resources, infrastructure, favorable government policies, and skilled human capital. Teece (1986) maintains that the competitiveness of a company depends on its ability to integrate, build and reconfigure internal and external competencies to adapt to changes in the environment. Teece (2007) Dynamic capabilities enable companies to innovate, respond to market changes and remain relevant. Caves (1996), Caves & Porter (1977) the competitiveness of a company depends on its ability to differentiate its products, efficiently manage costs and respond to market dynamics. Market structure and entry barriers also play a crucial role in determining competitiveness. Porter & van der Linde (1995) argue that strict environmental regulations do not necessarily impose additional costs on companies, but can incentivize efficiency and innovation.
According to them, companies that quickly adapt to these regulations can gain a competitive advantage. Moon & Montemayor (1998), Moon & Montemayor (2004) implies the ability of a company to adapt to changing market conditions and to continually innovate its products, services and processes. They emphasize the importance of strategic flexibility and the ability to respond quickly to environmental opportunities and threats. And finally, Delgado et al, (2002) define competitiveness as the ability of a region or country to create an economic environment that promotes innovation, efficiency and growth. Economic clusters are fundamental in this process, since they facilitate collaboration, knowledge exchange and competition between companies (Delgado et al, 2014).
Competitiveness is a term that is often confused with competitive advantage. Both deserve to be distinguished and intellectual capital is based on the improvement of companies, either in their competitiveness or as competitive advantages sustained in the long term, strategically (Delgado et al, 2010).
Abdel and Romo (2004) mention that business competitiveness is derived from competitive advantage that a company has through its production and organization methods (reflected in the price and quality o the final product/service) and with rivals in a specific market (Ibarra Cisneros et others, 2017).
Another conceptual approach, provided by Calvo & Ponce (2020), they mention that feasibility of a company achieving and maintaining its levels of competitiveness focuses on the distinctive competencies or competitive advantages that it develops internally and on the external conditions that provide it with both the industry or sector to which it belongs and the region or country in which it is located.
Within the literature, most authors analyze business competitiveness as a relative term, that is, related to competitors, which is focused on obtaining an advantage that leads the company to be superior to its rivals in something, fundamentally in quality or costs (Palomo & Pedroza, 2018).
Therefore, competitiveness can be defined as follows: The ability of a company to achieve, maintain and increase an advantage over its rivals, based on superiority and behavior in the market, whether in costs, quality or differentiation.
Intellectual capital is the synergy of all the knowledge that an organization brings together, all the experience accumulated in its members, their capabilities, skills, technical knowledge, information systems, design and management of the processes and relationships of the organization entity with suppliers and customers (Table 1); In this way, human capital, relational capital and structural capital are valued through three basic dimensions, all of them established in the strategic objectives of the organization (Barrera et al, 2020).
Table 1
Basic Definitions of Intellectual Capital
Authors |
Definition |
Dierickx & Cool, (1989) |
Intellectual capital is simply the stock of knowledge in the company. |
Stewart T, (1991) |
Intellectual capital is everything that is not can touch but that can make money for the company. |
Edvinsson y Malone, (1997) |
The possession of knowledge, applied experience, organizational technology, customer relations and professional skills that give a competitive advantage in the market. |
Bontis, (1998) |
Intellectual capital is the search for the effective use of knowledge. |
Womack, Jones y Roos, (2021) |
The intellectual capital of a company is the sum of the knowledge of its members and the practical interpretation of it. |
López & Nevado, (2021) |
Book Value + Intellectual Capital + Measurement Errors + Speculative Factors = Comprehensive Market Value. And, on the other hand: Intellectual Capital = Human Capital + Structural Capital + Non-Explicit Capital. |
Archibold & Escobar, (2015) |
Intellectual capital manifests itself in the organizational environment as an interception of assets of an intangible nature, among which is the knowledge originated by human resources, the relationships established by the company with external agents, procedures and internal policies that in Together they generate sustainable and sustainable advantages over time, among others. |
Source: Own elaboration adapted from Vega, (2017).
Therefore, the dimensions of intellectual capital are concentrated in three types, such as: a) human capital; b) structural capital; and c) relational capital (Saint-Onge, 2009; Roos,1998; Bueno et al, 2011; Camisón et al, 2000; Bontis, 1998; Cañibano et al, 2002; Euroforum, 1998).
In the November 2018 report of the World Federation of Stock Exchanges, these companies belonging to the Mexican Stock Exchange (BMV), also known as public companies, represent 30% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the country. These companies are classified in different indices that show the behavior of the price of the shares included in them.
The BMV Group is made up of companies that, together, offer comprehensive services for the operation and negotiation of the securities and derivatives market in Mexico, supported by a modern and Latest generation technological infrastructure in all its companies. The Mexican Stock Exchange, SAT. From C.V., is a financial entity that operates under a concession from the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit, as established by the Securities Market Law (Santiago, 2022).
In this market the purchase and sale of instruments representing the share capital of a company is carried out. The BMV is the forum where operations of the organized securities market are carried out in Mexico, the objective is to carry out transactions that seek to increase competitiveness in the market (Valores, 2021).
Likewise, the fundamental aspects to take into account in the study of listed companies are both the real and financial assets for valuation, with some assets being easy to value, but the main notions remain the same (Peña, 2020).
That is why the financial reports of companies that disclose within the BMV leave intangible assets as a voluntary decision. However, Valenzuela-Durán, (2009) mentions that it is necessary to have accounting information and analyze whether they comply with the standards (IAS 38) that affect decision making.
Authors such as García & Hidalgo (2009) Note that in IAS 38, intangible assets are defined as an identifiable asset, of a non-monetary nature and without physical appearance, used in the production or supply of goods and services, rented to third parties, related to the entity.
Therefore, international regulatory bodies, such as the Financial Accounting Standard Board (FASB) or the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), recommends including information on intangible assets outside the financial statements, avoiding the incorporation of accounting criteria that could put them at risk. The quality and reliability of financial information. Once the theoretical basis that gives meaning to this research has been analyzed, the results of the analysis are presented in the following two sections.
3. Methodological aspects
The methodological design of this research is exploratory-descriptive, transactional and longitudinal with a mixed approach since it has a theoretical section that supports the base constructs of this research.
A literature review was carried out on reliable sites, scientific articles and verified sites: this research is made up of companies listed (Table 2) on the Mexican Stock Exchange to guarantee that the sample is representative of the main industries and economic sectors of the country, providing a comprehensive vision of the performance and trends of the stock market by sector during 2020-2021, which together belong to various sectors such as energy, industrial, materials, frequently consumed products, health, telecommunications services, financial services, public services, goods services non-basic consumption and information technologies (Mexican Stock Exchange, 2021).
Table 2
Companies Listed on the BMV Divided by Sector
Sector |
Number of Companies |
Energy |
2 |
Industrial |
38 |
Materials |
21 |
Frequently consumed products |
22 |
Health |
5 |
Telecommunications services |
9 |
Financial services |
25 |
Non-basic consumer goods and services |
20 |
Information technology |
1 |
Total |
143 |
Source: Prepared with information extracted from the Bolsa Mexicana de Valores (2021).
Likewise, annual reports were obtained, which show general information, the history of the company, financial information, administration and the state of competitiveness of the companies listed on the Stock Exchange, it is determined; It is by this means that each of the corresponding indices is determined. To structural capital, human capital and relational capital, for a total of 58 items. To analyze intellectual capital, variables were considered: human capital, structural capital, relational capital, knowledge management and competitiveness. Below are the dimensions and indicators of each of the aforementioned variables (Table 3).
Table 3
Dimensions and indicators of the human capital variable
Variable: Human capital |
Dimension |
Personal typology |
Knowledge |
Job Skills |
Shared values |
Indicator |
Label |
Indicator |
Label |
Indicator |
Label |
Indicator |
Label |
Age |
Education level |
Definition of competence |
Identification degree |
Training |
Competition elements |
Degree of consistency with decisions |
Work experience |
Degree of coherence with actions |
Seniority in the company and position |
Languages |
Source: Own elaboration based on the research objectives.
Table 3 shows the human capital variable with the indicators that measure this variable and the labels that identify each indicator. The total number of items to measure this variable was 11. Similarly, Table 4 shows the dimensions and indicators of the structural capital variable with the labels that identify each of these; the total number of items for this variable is 23.
Table 4
Dimensions and indicators of the structural capital variable
Variable: Structural Capital |
Dimension |
Culture |
Processes |
Systems |
Organization |
Indicator |
Label |
Indicator |
Label |
Indicator |
Label |
Indicator |
Label |
Quality of your products |
Productive efficiency |
Information about business vision |
Social services |
Installed capacity/state-of-the-art technology |
Intangible asset recognition |
Comprehensive information systems |
Policies, objectives, R&D&I strategies |
Diversity new products/technology |
Internal control structure |
Shareholder structure |
Use of energy and other inputs |
IT systems and investments |
Organizational structure |
Certificates / quality recognitions |
corporate governance |
Business model management |
Company risks |
Environmental policies/regulations |
Competitive advantage |
Corporate social responsibility |
Market share |
Information about image, leader and brands |
Source: Own elaboration based on the research objectives.
Regarding the relational capital variable, Table 5 shows the dimensions and indicators used to measure this variable, ‘20 items were used to measure this variable.
Table 5
Dimensions and indicators of the Relation capital variable
Variable: Relational Capital |
Dimension |
Suppliers |
Clientes |
Image |
Cooperation |
Zone |
Indicator |
Label |
Indicator |
Label |
Indicator |
Label |
Indicator |
Label |
Indicator |
Label |
Investments in new markets |
Key customer dependency |
Information and communication strategy |
Relative efforts relative to work environment |
Marketing activities |
Network of suppliers and distributors |
Customer education/training |
International leadership position |
Strategic alliances, strategic partner agreements |
Product export |
Market studies |
Relationship with clients |
Market diversification |
Distr. of customers by segment or business |
Production / client |
Web clients |
Acquisitions/stakes |
Training new clients |
Clients/employee |
Commitment to clients |
Source: Own elaboration based on the research objectives.
For the strategic human resources management variable, the dimensions and indicators for this variable are shown in table 6, for the measurement of this variable, 4 items were applied.
Table 6
Dimensions and indicators of the Human resources management variable
Variable: Strategic Human Resources Management |
Dimension |
Compensation plans |
Career plans |
Indicator |
Label |
Indicator |
Label |
Type of remuneration |
Gender |
Job competence |
Civil status |
Source: Own elaboration based on the research objectives.
For the knowledge management variable, the dimensions and indicators for this variable are shown in Table 7. To measure this variable, 8 items were applied.
Table 7
Dimensions and indicators of the knowledge variable
Variable: knowledge management |
Dimension |
Learning in the organization |
Knowledge in the organization |
Structuring of knowledge |
Indicator |
Label |
Indicator |
Label |
Indicator |
Label |
Learning ability |
Knowledge protection |
Application of knowledge |
Learning disposition |
Policies and regulations |
Spread of knowledge |
Organizational skills |
Knowledge development |
Source: Own elaboration based on the research objectives.
The last variable of this study is the competitiveness variable. Table 8 shows the dimensions and indicators used for its measurement and applying 9 items for its analysis.
Table 8
Dimensions and indicators of the Competitiveness variable
Variable: Competitiveness |
Dimension |
Financial performance |
Operational performance |
Customer Performance |
Indicator |
Label |
Indicator |
Label |
Indicator |
Label |
Profit margin and profitability |
Labor productivity |
Customer satisfaction |
Sales |
Costs reduction |
Customer loyalty |
Liquidity |
Market share |
Client retention |
Source: Own elaboration based on the research objectives.
4. Intellectual capital as a tool for value creation in Mexican companies: Research results and analysis statistical
After having chosen the companies and the variables through which the phenomena whose inference will be developed If the desire to contrast is determined, the analysis techniques are detailed using SPSS program, where the statistical information corresponding to each item proposed in the research is shown.
Firstly, and to contrast the information obtained previously, the statistical analysis of the independent variables was carried out, which allowed us to identify which the variables are sufficiently significant in the disclosure of intellectual capital.
For this reason, to determine which factors influence Mexican companies to disseminate competitiveness through intellectual capital, the independent variables were compared: Human Capital, Structural Capital, and relational capital. For this analysis, a visual inspection of the correlation matrix and the existing correlation structure between the study variables was carried out. However, since it is a large matrix, it was decided to review only the determinant of the matrix.
The determinant within the matrix is characterized by being a global measure of the correlation between the study variables.
In the dataset analyzed, the determinant shown is a figure very close but different from zero; which we can say that the correlation structure in the set of variables under analysis is adequate. Having as a result matrix is 7.414E-75.
For its interpretation, the following criterion is used: If this determinant of the matrix is close to zero, so there is a correlation structure considered important between the variables, being indicative, appropriate and relevant in the factor analysis of the study variables.
Next, the sampling adequacy test (MSA) was carried out, which considers that if the result shows that the KMO of the set of variables analyzed is > 0.6, this will indicate that no It is appropriate to perform a factor analysis of the data. In our case, the test result showed a KMO of 0.808, that is, >0.6, which makes it advisable to perform the factor analysis on the set of study variables.
Subsequently, Bartlett’s test of sphericity was carried out, which considers that if there was no correlation structure between the study variables, then the correlation matrix would be the identity matrix; Therefore, we would have zeros (0) off the diagonal, which would imply that there would be no correlation between two variables (no matter what they were) and ones (1) on the diagonal. Therefore, if the critical value (Sig.) obtained in the test is >0.05, the null hypothesis of sphericity could not be rejected and, therefore, the relevance of the factor model to explain the data could not be assured. In Table 9, the data resulting from the application of this test show a significance of 0.000, that is, <0.05.
Table 9
KMO Test Results - Bartlett Sphericity
KMO and Bartlett test |
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure of sampling adequacy |
0.808 |
Bartlett’s test of sphericity |
Approx. Chi squared |
20340.618 |
gl |
2145 |
Sig. |
0.000 |
Source: own elaboration according to the results obtained and analyzed with the software SPSS ver. 25.
The results obtained in both tests (KMO sampling adequacy and Bartlett’s sphericity) combined with the result obtained with the determinant of the matrix show the existence of a significant correlation between the study variables, so it is considered appropriate to carry out the exploratory factor analysis. From the above, the recommendation of Petter, De Lone and McLean, (2013) is met, who consider that there must be at least two of the tools that must evaluate the correlation between the variables to justify carrying out the exploratory factor analysis.
To work on the data extracted in the exploratory factor analysis, the values obtained were coded into numerical values in ordinal order, with values from 1 to 5. In Table 10, the rule for said coding is as follows:
Table 10
Data Coding for AFE
Data encryption |
0 – 1000 |
1 |
1001- 10,000 |
2 |
10,001- 100,000 |
3 |
100,001-1,000,000 |
4 |
> 1x106 |
5 |
Source: Own elaboration based on the results obtained and analyzed with the software SPSS ver. 25.
For this reason, the exploratory factor analysis was carried out by applying the principal components analysis method with Varimax type rotation, obtaining a cumulative explained variance of the 3 extracted dimensions of 75.665% (Table 11).
Table 11
Total Explained Variance
Total variance explained |
Comp. |
Initial eigenvalues |
Sums of charges squared of the extraction |
Sums of charges squared of rotation |
Total |
% de variace |
% accumulated |
Total |
% de variance |
% acumulated |
Total |
% de variance |
% acumulated |
1 |
20.901 |
31.668 |
31.668 |
20.901 |
31.668 |
31.668 |
16.096 |
24.388 |
24.388 |
2 |
12.196 |
18.479 |
50.147 |
12.196 |
18.479 |
50.147 |
15.861 |
24.033 |
48.420 |
3 |
8.648 |
13.103 |
63.250 |
8.648 |
13.103 |
63.250 |
8.502 |
12.881 |
61.301 |
Extraction method: principal component analysis.
Source: Own elaboration based on the results obtained and analyzed with the software SPSS ver. 25.
Likewise, the loadings of the 3 dimensions were obtained to measure intellectual capital, which are: a) Human Capital, b) Structural Capital and c) Relational Capital, excluding those items with a factor loading <0.40. The results of the dimensions are presented below.
5. Results by dimension of exploratory factor analysis
Table 12 presents the Human Capital dimension, which is made up of 11 elements (CICHVCGA, CICHCOFR, CICHCONE, CICHCLEC, CICHCOID, CICHVCGI, CICHTPED, CICHVCGC, CICHCOEXPR, CICHCOANT and CICHCLDC), with a loading greater than 0.40 and which contributes 12,881% of total variance.
Table 12
Factor Loadings and Component Details of the Human capital
Degree of coherence with actions |
0.930 |
0.910 |
Formación |
0.926 |
0.888 |
Education level |
0.923 |
0.904 |
Competition elements |
0.922 |
0.875 |
Languages |
0.921 |
0.876 |
Identification degree |
0.901 |
0.839 |
Age |
0.899 |
0.858 |
Degree of consistency with decisions |
0.703 |
0.636 |
Work experience |
0.693 |
0.602 |
Seniority in the company and position |
0.642 |
0.591 |
Definition of competence |
0.611 |
0.613 |
Source: Own elaboration based on the results obtained and analyzed with the software SPSS ver. 25.
Likewise, Human Capital, and has a percentage of 12.881% of the explanatory power of the model. This indicates that Human Capital contributes 12.881% of the total variability explained by that component or factor.
Table 13 shows the second dimension, Structural Capital, which is made up of 23 elements (CICECUPOL, CICORVC, CICESISIT, CICEOREA, CICECURES, CICEISSI, CICEORSS, CICEPREP, CICESISCI, CICEREO, CICEORRE, CICECUDIV, CICESISIN, CICEORIDI, CICECUINM, CICECUCAL, CICECUCAP, CICECUEN, CICECUCME, CICECUCER, CICEPRRI, CICECUGE and CICEORGP) obtaining a greater proportion of the total variance, its contribution is 24.388%, in its entirety to the dimension, all the elements have a factor loading greater than 0.04.
Table 13
Factor Loadings and Component Details of the Elements of the Structural Capital
Policies/regulations environmental |
0.967 |
0.965 |
Competitive advantage |
0.963 |
0.957 |
IT systems and investments |
0.959 |
0.948 |
Shareholder structure |
0.949 |
0.926 |
Social responsability corporate |
0.945 |
0.922 |
Comprehensive information systems |
0.940 |
0.917 |
Social services |
0.939 |
0.909 |
Productive efficiency |
0.938 |
0.912 |
Internal control structure |
0.932 |
0.890 |
Organizational structure |
0.909 |
0.856 |
Company risks |
0.870 |
0.803 |
Diversity new products/technology |
0.869 |
0.797 |
Information about business vision |
0.849 |
0.773 |
Policies, objectives, R&D&I strategies |
0.833 |
0.754 |
Information. about image, leader and brands |
0.759 |
0.651 |
Quality of your products |
0.685 |
0.629 |
Installed capacity/state-of-the-art technology |
0.676 |
0.625 |
Use of energy and other inputs |
-0.659 |
0.550 |
Market share |
0.643 |
0.471 |
Certificates / quality recognitions |
0.632 |
0.522 |
Intangible asset recognition |
0.590 |
0.422 |
Business model management |
0.549 |
0.378 |
corporate governance |
0.498 |
0.340 |
Source: Own elaboration based on the results obtained and analyzed with the software SPSS ver. 25.
Structural Capital has explanatory power of 24.388%, highlighting its relevance in organizational performance and the importance of systems, processes and organizational culture in business success. Organizations should focus on strengthening this capital to realize its potential benefits. From this we see that Relational Capital within companies listed on the Mexican Stock Exchange (BMV) plays an important role.
The components are shown in detail with the components of the Structural Capital variable.
Next, Table 14 presents the Relational Capital dimension, made up of 20 elements (CICRCOAE, CICRCLDS, CICRZOEP, CICRCLEM, CICRPRRED, CICRZOAP, CICRZOAM, CICRZOPC, CICRZODM, CICRCLDC, CICRCOET, CICRIMPL, CICRCLCW, CICRPRINV, CICRCLRC, CICRCLCC, CICRMEC, CICRCLED, CICRCOEM and CICRCLCC) with an explanation percentage of 24.033% and a factor loading >0.04.
Table 14
Factor Loadings and Component Details of the Elements of Relational Capital
Strategic alliances, strategic partner agreements |
0.971 |
0.960 |
Distribution of clients by segment or business |
0.967 |
0.961 |
Product export |
0.964 |
0.953 |
Market studies |
0.962 |
0.948 |
Network of suppliers and distributors |
0.949 |
0.926 |
Acquisitions/stakes |
0.944 |
0.921 |
Marketing activities |
0.944 |
0.904 |
Production / client |
0.935 |
0.887 |
Market diversification |
0.911 |
0.847 |
Key customer dependency |
0.905 |
0.849 |
Relative efforts relative to work environment |
0.901 |
0.827 |
International leadership position |
0.895 |
0.845 |
Web clients |
0.868 |
0.785 |
Investments in new markets |
0.856 |
0.764 |
Relationship with clients |
0.842 |
0.728 |
Commitment to clients |
0.780 |
0.659 |
Information and communication strategy |
-0.773 |
0.634 |
Customer education/training |
0.750 |
0.636 |
Clients/employee |
0.723 |
0.568 |
Training new clients |
0.520 |
0.294 |
Source: Own elaboration based on the results obtained and analyzed with the software SPSS ver. 25.
The Relational Capital variable. The result of 24.033% as explanatory power of Relational Capital in the model suggests a significant influence of this variable on the dependent variable of the study. This can be interpreted as a contribution of 24.033% indicates that Relational Capital is a key factor to understand the variability in the performance of the dependent variable, whether in terms of financial performance, innovation, competitiveness, etc.
Additionally, to the above and in accordance with the methodology, it is equally relevant to analyze the matrix of reproduced correlations, which are the residuals that are calculated between the observed and reproduced correlations. These results show that there are 479 (21.0%) non-redundant residuals. With absolute values greater than 0.05, which establishes a good fit on the correlations between the observed variables.
6. Results by dimension of exploratory factor analysis
According to the results presented, it is clear that, of the three dimensions grouped homogeneously according to the study variable, a brief explanation is offered below in reference to each of them. The components are shown in detail below, along with the components of the Structural Capital variable.
The variable Knowledge Management with an explanatory power of 7.815% highlights its moderate relevance in organizational performance and the importance of knowledge management practices in business success. Organizations should focus on strengthening these practices to leverage their potential benefits in combination with other strategic factors. Its components are presented in detail in the following table 15.
Table 15
Knowledge Management: Component Details
Knowledge development |
0.938 |
0.883 |
Application of knowledge |
0.932 |
0.871 |
Organizational skills |
0.921 |
0.854 |
Learning disposition |
0.806 |
0.661 |
Knowledge protection |
0.770 |
0.628 |
Policies and regulations |
0.517 |
0.402 |
Learning ability |
0.494 |
0.377 |
Spread of knowledge |
0.463 |
0.358 |
Source: Own elaboration based on the results obtained and analyzed with the software SPSS ver. 25.
Finally, the Strategic Human Resources Management variable is presented with an explanatory power of 6.548%, highlighting its moderate relevance in organizational performance and the importance of human resources management practices. in business success. Organizations should focus on strengthening these practices to leverage their potential benefits in combination with other strategic factors. Its components are presented in detail in the following table 16.
Table 16
Strategic Human Resources Management: Component Details
Gender |
0.854 |
0.888 |
Job competence |
0.853 |
0.910 |
Civil status |
0.845 |
0.890 |
Type of remuneration |
0.826 |
0.810 |
Source: Own elaboration based on the results obtained and analyzed with the software SPSS ver. 25.
For all of the above, the results of the analysis show that intellectual capital plays a crucial role in the competitiveness of companies listed on the Mexican Stock Exchange. Companies that invest in the development of their human, structural and relational capital show superior performance and a greater ability to adapt to market changes. The discussion highlights the importance of strategically managing these intangible assets to maintain a sustainable competitive advantage.
7. Conclusions
The analysis of the competitiveness of companies listed on the Mexican Stock Exchange (BMV) through intellectual capital can guide business managers and strategists. Below are the main conclusions derived from this analysis:
First, intellectual capital has been confirmed as a critical component for business competitiveness. Companies that invest in the development of their human, structural and relational capital tend to perform better in the market. This approach not only contributes to greater innovation and productivity, but also improves operational efficiency and the ability to adapt to changes in the business environment.
Second, human capital, including employees’ skills, knowledge and experiences, represents an essential basis for value creation. 12.881% of the explanatory power of the model demonstrates that continuous training and professional development of employees are essential to maintain a competitive advantage. Companies that promote an environment of learning and professional development can better adapt to technological and market changes.
Third, relational capital, with 24.033% of the model’s explanatory power, is vital for business success. This component covers relationships with customers, suppliers and other stakeholders, as well as the company’s reputation in the market. Companies that effectively manage their external relationships tend to have greater business opportunities, access to resources and a better competitive position. Maintaining and strengthening these relationships is crucial for long-term sustainability.
Fourth, Structural capital, which represents 24.388% of the explanatory power of the model, includes organizational infrastructure, processes, systems and databases. This capital provides the necessary framework for human and relational capital to be effective. Companies with efficient management systems, well-defined processes and an advanced technological infrastructure can quickly respond to market demands and take advantage of emerging opportunities.
Fifth, with 7.815% explanatory power, knowledge management is a significant but not dominant variable in the model. The ability to capture, store and use organizational knowledge can improve decision making and innovation. However, its impact must be complemented with other strategic practices to maximize value.
Sixth, strategic human resources management, with 6.548% explanatory power, highlights the importance of aligning human resources policies and practices with the company’s strategic objectives. Effective selection, hiring, training and retention strategies are essential to developing a workforce capable of meeting market challenges and contributing to organizational success.
Finally, to improve their competitiveness, companies must invest in the training and development of their human capital, strengthen their external relationships and actively manage their relational capital, optimize their internal processes and systems to improve structural capital, implement effective management systems of knowledge and align their human resources practices with strategic business objectives.
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