Fernández-Fuentes et al . 90
Rev. Téc. Ing. Univ. Zulia. Vol. 44, No. 2, May-August, 2021.
service aged 1.25Cr0.5Mo steel, expressed in a reduction of the rupture time by 67.8 %. The observed mechanical
behavior corresponds to the microstructural features, which shows that the heat treatment resulted in a decrease in
the relative frequency of small precipitates, with an increase in the frequency of larger ones. It results in an increase
in the distance between particles, with a detrimental effect on the increase in mechanical strength due to precipitation
(Abbaschian et al. 2009).
The 1.25Cr0.5Mo steel qualitatively retains a microstructure of ferritic-perlitic type with grain boundary and
inside ferrite precipitation after a prolonged period of operation in a steam pipeline, which is typical of the as-
received condition.
The heat treatment, with a similar regime to that required after welding, does not modify this type of
microstructure. However, because of the competitive growth phenomenon, it results in quantitative changes in the
size distribution of the precipitates present inside ferrite grain, expressed by a decrease in the number of particles
smaller than 80 nm and an increase in the number of particles larger than 80 nm.
For the 1.25Cr0.5Mo steel the density of particles inside ferrite grain obeys a lognormal distribution
function in the as-received condition as well as in the subjected to heat treatment with a similar regime to that
required after welding condition, showing an increase of 16% of the geometric mean of the equivalent diameter due
to the effect of the heat treatment.
The creep rupture time fits adequately to a model of type
, where: A, B, C and D are the model parameters, t
the creep
rupture time (h), S the stress (MPa) and T the temperature (K).
The heat treatment of in-service aged 1.25Cr0.5Mo steel, with parameters similar to those required post
welding, reduces 67.8 % the creep rupture time, which is associated with a corresponding increase in the size of the
precipitates inside the ferrite, leading to the detriment of the effect of increasing the mechanical strength by
Thanks to the support provided by LAPROSOLDA and LDTAD of UFU (Brazil), DEMa - CCDM of
UFSCar (Brazil) and CAPES-Brazil/MES-Cuba agreement.
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