Publishing costs

Articles published in the Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ) are open access and are freely available online to all our readers, without any type of subscription, immediately after publication, thanks to a grant from the Faculty of Agronomy of the University of Zulia and the contribution of the authors or institutions of a charge to process the peer review and once the article is accepted, a payment for its processing (APC), which covers specific costs of editing, proofreading, marking, distribution and promotion of the content.

World Zone                                            Fee to process peer review (USD)           APC (USD)  
Latin America and the Caribbean                              80                                               170
Europe  and Africa                                                        80                                               200
Eurasia and Saudi                                                       100                                               300           

The Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ) extends a cordial invitation to national researchers to publish their research in our journal. Authors from national public and private academic institutions, as well as LUZ academic staff and students from the Graduate Studies Division of the Faculty of Agronomy will have a discount on the APC.