Reptiles of the Los Testigos archipelago, Southeastern Caribbean Sea, Venezuela
Throughout 25 days distributed in three field days, during the months of June 2014, November-December 2014, as well as June-July 2015, 23 species of reptiles were recorded in the archipelago Los Testigos. This archipelago, formed by 16 islets (6.69 km2), is located 68 km north of Rio Caribe (Sucre State), on the north coast of Venezuela (southeast of the sea Caribbean). Out of the species found, there were 12 lizards, five snakes and six turtles. Four of those species are introduced, three of them are exotic and one has been transferred from the continental region of Venezuela. The Herpetofauna of the Islands denotes a clearly continental origin, resembling the Herpetofauna of Margarita Island and Los Frailes Archipelago. Two species could be partially restricted to the archipelago Los Testigos, the lizard Cnemidophorus flavissimus, which is also found in Los Frailes, and the lizard A. bifrontata insulana, of an uncertain taxonomic and considered by some authors as a synonym of A. bifrontata. Six of the found species are placed in some threat category according to the global evaluations of the IUCN.
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APÉNDICE. Ejemplares Examinados (todos del Archipiélago Los Testigos, Venezuela)
Chelonia mydas: EBRG 6768. Eretmochelys imbricata: EBRG 6732. Chelonoidis carbonarius: EBRG 6694, 6716, 6728, 6730. Gonatodes vittatus: EBRG 6659, 6687−6688, 6707, 6745. Phyllodactylus ventralis: EBRG 6673, 6678, 6696, 6750, 6755, 6764. Thecadactylus rapicauda: EBRG 6679, 6684, 6704. Hemidactylus mabouia: EBRG 6672, 6724. Hemidactylus frenatus: EBRG 6725, 6760−6762, 6765. Gymnophthalmus sp.: EBRG 6665−66, 6670−71, 6701, 6715, 6733−38, 6752−54, 6759. Tretioscincus bisfaciatus: EBRG 6727, 6767. Anolis sp.: EBRG 6718, 6720, 6766. Ameiva bifrontata: EBRG 6646−6647, 6651, 6669, 6674−6677, 6692−6693, 6697, 6699, 6702−6703, 6705−6706, 6708, 6739−6741, 6742−6743, 6749, 6756. Cnemidophorus flavissimus: EBRG 6649−6650, 6668, 6680−6683, 6685−6686, 6689−6691, 6698, 6700, 6709−6710, 6729, 6758. Tropidurus hispidus: EBRG 6652−6654, 6711−6712, 6717, 6726. Iguana iguana: EBRG 6656−6657, 6719. Leptodeira ashmeadii: EBRG 6664, 6667. Tantilla melanocephala: EBRG 6661−6663. Oxybelis rutherfordi: EBRG 6648, 6658, 6744. Mastigodryas pleei: EBRG 6660, 6713−6714, 6721, 6723, 6746−6748, 6751, 6757, 6763. Corallus ruschembergerii: EBRG 6731.