Florística de comunidades vegetales en el área minera corregente, Bochinche, reserva forestal Imataca, cuenca del río Santa María, Estado Bolívar, Venezuela

Floristic of plant communities on the corregente mining area, Bochinche, Imataca forestry reserve, Santa María river basin, Bolívar state, Venezuela.

  • Wilmer A. Díaz-Pérez Fundación Jardín Botánico del Orinoco, Ciudad Bolívar, Estado Bolívar, Venezuela.
  • Raúl E. Rivero Universidad Nacional Experimental de Guayana. Puerto Ordaz, Estado Bolívar, Venezuela.
Keywords: Mining, Bolívar, floristic, Venezuela, Guiana


As part of a study for the physical natural characterization of the affected areas by the gold alluvial mining in the Bolívar state, the mining area of the Corregente sector in Bochinche, Santa María river basin, was visited on September 1993. An inventory of the vascular plants in the different plant communities was accomplished along multidisciplinary transects that included the maxim quantity of unities of interest for every discipline with the objective of gather information to know the Corregente mining area vegetation through the description of the floristic composition and diversity of the plant community, considering the importance of the species. Two types of vegetation are described: 1) Evergreen medium height forest with predominance of the families Fabaceae, Rubiaceae, Arecaceae, Annonaceae, Orchidaceae, Bromeliaceae, Pteridaceae and Polypodiaceae, 2) Secondary vegetation, where the predominant families were Fabaceae, Cyperaceae and Asteraceae. Generally, the families more specious were Fabaceae (16), Orchidaceae (11), Rubiaceae (9), Bromeliaceae (6), Arecaceae and Polypodiaceae (5 each one), Annonaceae and Cyperaceae (4 each one). The genus with more species were Inga (5), Senna, Cyperus, Aechmea, Adiantum and Microgramma (3 each one). Fabaceae is one of the families predominant in both types of vegetation. As a result of being a mining area, the plant communities, overall the riparian, are very disturbed, causing the presence of secondary vegetation in different successional stages. A list of the inventoried species on the different plant communities found is presented.


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Author Biographies

Wilmer A. Díaz-Pérez, Fundación Jardín Botánico del Orinoco, Ciudad Bolívar, Estado Bolívar, Venezuela.

Fundación Jardín Botánico del Orinoco, Herbario Regional de Guayana, Calle
Bolívar, Módulos Laguna El Porvenir, Ciudad Bolívar, Estado Bolívar, Venezuela.

Raúl E. Rivero, Universidad Nacional Experimental de Guayana. Puerto Ordaz, Estado Bolívar, Venezuela.

Universidad Nacional Experimental de Guayana. Centro de Investigaciones Ecológicas. Coordinación General de Investigación y Postgrado. Edificio UNEG Chilemex, Urbanización Chilemex, Calle Chile, Puerto Ordaz, Estado Bolívar, Venezuela.


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How to Cite
Díaz-Pérez, W. A., & Rivero, R. E. (2022). Florística de comunidades vegetales en el área minera corregente, Bochinche, reserva forestal Imataca, cuenca del río Santa María, Estado Bolívar, Venezuela: Floristic of plant communities on the corregente mining area, Bochinche, Imataca forestry reserve, Santa María river basin, Bolívar state, Venezuela. Boletín Del Centro De Investigaciones Biológicas, 56(1), 101-122. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6885063