Morphological characterization of hard palate in the Tabby cats

  • Ayşe Gizem Ermiş Balikesir University, Health Sciences Institute, Department of Anatomy. Balikesir, Turkey
  • Mehmet Can Balikesir University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Anatomy. Balikesir, Turkey
Keywords: Hard palate, SEM, Tabby cat


The aim of this study was to carry out the morphological characterization of the Tabby cat’s hard palate by light and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), in addition to gross and morphometric analysis. A total of 20 Tabby cat heads used. The materials was provided from the Balıkesir Metropolitan Municipality Street Animals Temporary Nursing Home and Rehabilitation Center, Balıkesir, Turkey. Adult, regardless of gender difference, died from variety of reasons and 20 Tabby cat cadavers which weigh approximately 3–4 kg were brought to the laboratory in accordance with the procedure. Hard palates were subjected to gross examination, morphometric analysis, light and SEM.The Tabby cats hard palate was split up rostral and caudal parts and incisive papilla (papilla incisive), rugae palatine and with a gutter between them, the presence of palatine raphe and secondary rugae palatine were observed. The rostral and caudal parts of the hard palate were determined to have a smooth appearance with SEM 540X magnification and the presence of epithelial desquamations was found out. It was determined that the rostral and caudal part of the Tabby cat’s hard palate had a honeycomb appearance of the microplicae of the 3000X magnification hard palate epithelium with SEM. Round islets were detected with the SEM at the magnification of 600X of the incisive papilla, the 270X of the rostral–caudal parts and the 44X of the gutter between the palatine rugae. These adaptations of the Tabby cat’s hard palate might increase its efficiency during ingestion and mastication of hard food and in directing the food backward. The study shows the detailed anatomical description of the hard palate of the Tabby cat with light and SEM.


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How to Cite
Ermiş AG, Can M. Morphological characterization of hard palate in the Tabby cats. Rev. Cient. FCV-LUZ [Internet]. 2023Sep.27 [cited 2024Dec.29];33(2):7. Available from:
Veterinary Medicine