Estimating heritabilities and genetic correlations with parent-offspring regression using data from Anatolian water buffalo population raised in Istanbul for weights at different ages
Determining the breeding potential and direction of the population in terms of traits of interest depends on the genetic variation. Therefore, it is essential to know the genetic parameters of economic traits to improve yields in animal breeding. This study investigated the heritability and genetic correlations among growth traits in Anatolian buffaloes of İstanbul province. Estimating genetic parameters such as heritability of traits and genetic correlation among the traits in farm animal population populations is a major prerequisite to apply in animal genetic improvement programs. The material of this research was composed of the buffaloes included in the sub-project implemented in the Istanbul buffalo breeders’ association within the scope of the “community- based water buffalo improvement programs” project under the coordination of the General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policies. In the study, 1597 buffalo cows were obtained between 2012-2022, and the birth, six-and one-year-old weights recorded parents, and their offspring for the growth characteristics of the calf born from these cows were used. The analysis of variance was performed with the general linear model option to measure the effects of village, year, season, and sex factors on the data of individuals with the same characteristics in two generations. The effect of the factors determined to affect the examined characteristics significantly was eliminated using the standardization programs. The heritability estimates for birth, sixth month, and yearling weights were 0.37, 0.12, and 0.08±0.07, respectively. Genetic correlation among growth traits was generally significant and positive, ranging from 0.068 to 0.673. Consequently, the moderate to high estimates of heritability genetic correlations on growth traits showed some opportunities for genetic improve- ment in buffaloes of İstanbul.