Strategic factors for Local Electronic Government in the urban municipalities of Venezuela
The Municipal Public Administration in Latin America, according to the current trends of innovation in public management, is faced with the challenge of responding to new demands from citizens and levels of government. The purpose of this research is to analyze the strategic factors for Local Electronic Government in urban municipalities in Venezuela. The methodology used is descriptive with a non-experimental, transectional and field research design, supported by triangulation techniques of the selected categories of analysis. The strategic factors to be taken into account to develop Local Electronic Government in urban municipalities, based on the theoretical and regulatory review, have been grouped into: legal, corporate, relationship, added value and protection. According to the degree of maturity of these strategic factors in Venezuela, the application of Local Electronic Government tools will allow the public powers to archieve the following purposes: modernize the operations of the State, improve the services offered to its citizens, increase transparency reducing corruption and increasing citizen participation. As a result of this research, it was obtained that in Venezuela, in general, these strategic factors have been strengthened for the development of Local Electronic Government in urban municipalities, which have developed and modernized their information, access and transaction instruments in the portals on the Internet, being in tune with new trends. It is concluded that the strategic factors for Local Electronic Government have been optimized with urban municipal management in Venezuela, which has had an impact on improving public management by making it more visible and where the interests of citizens for local development are met, in the innovation framework for Municipal Public Administration, participation and institutional transparency.
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Páginas web consultadas en el 2019