Problem of lawyer protection: comparative legal analysis

Keywords: lawyers in Russia, criminal liability, legal activities, comparative analysis, problems of the protection of lawyers


This article is dedicated to the analysis of a preponderant institution of Civil Society in Russia such as the Bar Association, consequently, its role in the implementation of the state function of providing qualified legal assistance is examined. In addition, it addresses the criminal defense mechanism of the
Russian legal profession. To achieve the objective of the study, several general scientific techniques, and methods of scientific knowledge (analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction, systemic-structural,
formal-logical approaches) and specific scientific methods were launched: historical-legal, formal-legal, comparative-legal, and interpretative are employed. Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that the legal profession, being an institution of civil society, remains vulnerable in the legal sense in its interaction with law enforcement agencies. At the same time, by illegally interfering in promotion, public officials go unpunished. There is still no criminal liability for unlawful interference in the activities of a lawyer. It therefore proposes to introduce specific amendments to the criminal legislation governing this matter of general interest.


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Author Biographies

Vladislav Yu. Turanin, Belgorod State University

Doctor of Law, Belgorod State University, 85 Pobeda Street, Belgorod, 308015, Russia.

Alexandra Vl. Gridchina, Moscow Politechnic University

Doctor of Economic, Moscow Politechnic University, 38 B. Semenovskaya street, Moscow, Russia.

Vera P. Kutina, Higher Education «Saint Petersburg Juridical Academy»

PhD in Law, Autonomous Nonprofit Organization of Higher Education «Saint Petersburg Juridical Academy», 114A, Obukhovskoy Oborony street, Saint Petersburg, 192012, Russia.

Amala A. Umarova, Chechen state University

PhD in Law, Chechen state University, 32, A. Sheripova, Groznyj, 364024, Russia.

Stanislav F. Dolgov, Belgorod State University

Graduate student, Belgorod State University, 85 Pobeda Street, Belgorod, 308015, Russia.


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How to Cite
Turanin, V. Y., Gridchina, A. V., Kutina, V. P., Umarova, A. A., & Dolgov, S. F. (2021). Problem of lawyer protection: comparative legal analysis. Political Questions, 39(70), 607-616.
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