Legal Responsibility for Illicit Trade in Pharmaceuticals under Conditions of the Covid-19 Pandemic
Responsabilidad Jurídica por Comercio Ilícito de Productos Farmacéuticos en Condiciones de la Pandemia del Covid-19
The aim of this study was to examine the optimal types and measures of legal liability for crimes in the field of illicit trade in pharmaceuticals in the conditions of the СОVID-19 pandemic. The research used methods of systematic approach, descriptive analysis, synthesis and prognosis, systematic and formal legal and comparative selection. It has been established that illicit trade in pharmaceuticals is carried out by organized criminal groups and is related to corruption and cybercrime. Also, the article has revealed typical legal flaws, which complicate international cooperation in this field and lead to non-compliance with international standards of criminalization and imposition of sanctions for illegal circulation of counterfeit medicines. All this leads to the conclusion that the illicit trade in pharmaceuticals manifests itself in a series of offenses for which administrative or criminal liability must be foreseen. Equally promising is the development of a model for law enforcement activity that includes criminalization of trade in low-quality, unregistered and counterfeit pharmaceuticals, according to international standards; proportional punishments for natural persons and influence measures for legal persons and compensation for their victims.
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