Argentine Universities: Problems, COVID-19, ICT & Efforts
Universidades Argentinas: Problemas, COVID-19, TIC y Esfuerzos
In this paper the general objective was determine the situation of Argentine universities: Problems, COVID-19, ICT & efforts. Methodology, in this research, 36 documents have been selected, carried out in the period 2016 - 2021; including: scientific articles, review articles and information from websites of recognized organizations. The keywords used in the searches were: Argentine universities, COVID-19 and ICT. Results, Argentine universities have many difficulties, like other Latin American universities. The pandemic has reduced access to economic resources. However, Argentine universities are making many efforts to fulfill their social role. Conclusions, the oldest university in Argentina is the National University of Córdoba, founded in 1613. Higher education in Argentina is primarily public, where direct entry is offered to students. The professional careers preferred by Argentine students are engineering, law and administration. There are also very internationally recognized private universities. Many universities are struggling to quickly set up their virtual platforms, before classes start. The difficult economic situation that the country is going through for several years, the health emergency and social isolation due to the pandemic, have paralyzed public and private university activity. It is important and urgent that Argentine universities strengthen the adoption of ICT and also promote innovation.
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