Estrategias de atención socioeducativa a la conflictividad multifactorial que atraviesa la escuela. Aportaciones referenciales del Anteproyecto de Ley de Convivencia Escolar Pacífica

Strategies for socio-educational attention to the multifactorial conflict that the school is experiencing. Referential contributions of the Draft Law for Peaceful School Coexistence

Keywords: socio-educational coexistence, conflict management, culture of peace, human dignity, preventive intervention strategies


This research, as a result of a documentary review, proposes a series of strategies of socio-educational attention focused on reducing the implications of the multifactorial conflict that the educational institution is going through, for which the referential contributions of the Draft Bill of the Law of Peaceful School Coexistence are taken, a legislative initiative in which the purpose is to address the risk factors that make possible the emergence, permanence and systematic practice of school bullying in its various manifestations. Part of the results obtained indicate that the reduction of psychological, social, moral, emotional and physical mistreatment at school requires synergic efforts between the institutional
apparatus of the Venezuelan State, the educational community and the family, who in common agreement and from a sense of co-responsibility, must promote strategic actions that strengthen coexistence based on active respect and shared reciprocity. It is concluded that guaranteeing psychosocial well-being and the full development of the personality requires the involvement of education for the exercise of citizenship, as an antidote that contributes to conflict management, acceptance of diversity and respect for the fundamental rights of others.


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Author Biography

Jesús Alfredo Morales Carrero, Universidad de Los Andes, Mérida, Venezuela.

Politólogo y Docente de Psicología General y Orientación Educativa. Investigador Socioeducativo Emérito en Universidad de Los Andes, Venezuela.


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How to Cite
Morales Carrero, J. A. (2023). Estrategias de atención socioeducativa a la conflictividad multifactorial que atraviesa la escuela. Aportaciones referenciales del Anteproyecto de Ley de Convivencia Escolar Pacífica: Strategies for socio-educational attention to the multifactorial conflict that the school is experiencing. Referential contributions of the Draft Law for Peaceful School Coexistence. Political Questions, 41(78), 782-798.