El futuro del Trabajo en la Administración Pública en el Perú: Adaptación y Resiliencia

The Future of Public Administration Work in Peru: Adaptation and Resilience

Keywords: labor, labor law, Artificial Intelligence, public administration, Peru


The purpose of this research is to analyze the prospects of labor in Peru in the face of changing historical and social contexts and the impact of disruptive technologies in the 21st century. To achieve this purpose, the evolution of labor law is addressed, emphasizing how it has been affected by the social, political, and technological changes that have taken place. About legal aspects, it is emphasized that the transformations in Peruvian labor law, influenced by the trade union movements of the 19th century, led to the constitutional reforms of 1933. In the scenario of the 21st century, digitalization, and the incorporation of disruptive technologies for public and private administration, such as the use of Artificial Intelligence, have redefined work, generating opportunities to improve its effectiveness, efficiency, and transparency, without losing sight of the ethical dilemmas that arise in these processes. The article is developed following the guidelines of qualitative research, with application of the documentary exploration methodology. It is concluded that the future of work is conditioned to the evolution of technologies and to the capacity of the nation to balance progress with the dignity of the human condition.


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Author Biographies

Chelsy Estephania Yarin Meza, Universidad Continental. Perú.

Docente Universitario en la Universidad Continental. Perú.

Carlos Armando Berrocal Gutarra, Universidad Continental, Perú.

Docente universitario en la Universidad Continental, Perú. Licenciado en Administración de Empresas, Magister en Administración, Mención Finanzas y Doctor en Administración.


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How to Cite
Yarin Meza, C. E., & Berrocal Gutarra, C. A. (2025). El futuro del Trabajo en la Administración Pública en el Perú: Adaptación y Resiliencia: The Future of Public Administration Work in Peru: Adaptation and Resilience. Political Questions, 42(81), 111-125. Retrieved from https://mail.produccioncientificaluz.org/index.php/cuestiones/article/view/43223