La violencia de género en Ecuador ¿óbice para el bien común?
Gender violence in Ecuador, an obstacle to the common good?
This research article delves into the conception of the family as the nucleus of society and the seed of interpersonal values that provide a harmonious environment and peaceful coexistence for its members. In this context, it is intended to demonstrate that when solid family ties are lacking, to the detriment of the development of individuals or, even worse, when relationships are affected to such an extent that tensions turn into violence, this affects not only the family nucleus but also society directly. For this study, data were obtained from the Ministry of the Interior, selecting judicial processes with executed sentence between the years 2014 to 2022, on crimes against women’s lives. From the analysis of the data, lack of education and poverty are circumstances that, statistically, have unleashed more cases of this type of crime in Ecuador. It is concluded that, unfortunately, violent relationships between victims and perpetrators occur mostly in family and couple relationships. This points to the importance of the family in its work of caring for and promoting the good of everyone, recognizing the value of personal dignity.
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