Natalidad, materialismo y sociedad. ¿Cómo entender el declive? Análisis comparado de los casos de España, Noruega, Turquía, Irlanda, Islandia, Dinamarca y Alemania 2013-2021
Natality, materialism, and society. How to understand the decline? Comparative analysis of the cases of Spain, Norway, Turkey, Ireland, Iceland, Denmark, and Germany 2013-2021
The aim of this paper is to analyze the necessary and sufficient conditions that have influenced the decline in the birth rate in Europe during the period from 2013 to 2021. In this way, it seeks to study which have been those factors of greater incidence on the problem, for which a comparative methodological proposal was used based on a qualitative comparative anlysis with sets of dichotomous variables (crispy data sets) in order to identify the causes of greater impact on the variations of the birth rate among those raised as independent variables; human development index (HDI); weeks of maternity leave, and fertility rates in the cases of: Spain, Norway, Iceland, Turkey, Ireland, Denmark and Germany. It is concluded that the socio-structural factors that have been consolidating as the population replaces materialistic priority values with other post-materialistic ones have favored the relegation of those related to the family to a second or third plane. In other words, the decline in the birth rate in the countries studied is the product of the three independent variables considered together, making this a multicausal and conjunctural phenomenon.
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