La hepatitis viral B y C se curan o se tratan de por vida? Nuevas drogas

Are viral hepatitis B and C curable or treated for life? New drugs

Keywords: hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus, interferon alfa, treatment, direct activiral drugs


Chronic infection with hepatitis B and C viruses (HBV and HCV respectively) is responsible of numerous cases of cirrhosis (and associated complications), hepatocarcinoma and need for liver transplantation. Interferon alfa (2a and 2b) was the first drug used in the treatment of both viruses, with frustrating results due of its lack of significant efficacy and many and sometimes severe adverse events. A relatively new generation of drugs directed against specific viral targets, known as Direct Acting Antiviral Drugs (DAAs), has been associated with persistent viral suppression of HBV and complete cure of HCV. Given this different effect profile of DAAs, HBV infection still requires prolonged and in the majority of cases, indefinite therapy, while in HCV infection, a course of 8 to 12 weeks of a specific DAAs combo is sufficient to obtain cure.


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Author Biography

Roberto León B., Instituto Médico La Floresta. Caracas, Venezuela.

Unidad de Hepatología, Gastroenterología y Endoscopia Digestiva. Instituto Médico La Floresta. Caracas, Venezuela.


Base de datos de las consultas de Hepatología 1998 a 2022 (Dr. Robert León) Hospital Dr. Domingo Luciani IVSS, Instituto Médico la Floresta y Policlínica Metropolitana (Caracas, Venezuela).

León R. Hepatitis C: Del Descubrimiento a la Curación. A propósito del Premio Nobel de Medicina y Fisiología 2020. Revista GEN. 2021; 75(1): 25-33.

Rodríguez M, et al. Documento de consenso de la Asociación Española para el Estudio del Hígado sobre el tratamiento de la infección por el virus de la hepatitis B (2020). Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2020.

EASL recommendations on treatment of hepatitis C: Final update of the series. Journal of Hepatology 2020 vol. - j 1–49
How to Cite
León B., R. (2022). La hepatitis viral B y C se curan o se tratan de por vida? Nuevas drogas: Are viral hepatitis B and C curable or treated for life? New drugs. Revista Profesional HígadoSano, (23), 17-19.