Service quality dimensions present in postgraduate programs. Theoretical reflections

  • Calixto Hernández Universidad del Zulia. Núcleo COL
  • Ana Teresa Prieto
  • Claudia Hernández
Keywords: Quality of service, dimensions of service quality, competitive advantage, postgraduate programs, users


The article is part of a larger research, which aims to explain the management of quality of service in the postgraduate programs in the area of economic and social sciences offered by the University of Zulia; that is why, in this article, the dimensions of the quality of service present in the programs reviewed are identified from a theoretical perspective. The study was carried out using pure bibliographic methodology, based on authors such as: Vargas and Aldana (2007), Zeithaml and Bitner (2002), Zeithaml et al. (2009) Parasuraman, et al. (1985), Cantú (2011), Albrecht (2005), Fontanez (2006), Riveros (2007), Grande (2005) among others. By way of reflection it is affirmed that, the change in the orientation of the processes in the postgraduate programs, turning them towards the users becomes critical factor of survival, for this, it is necessary to implement structural changes in the way of managing the dimensions of the quality of service, as are the tangible elements that accompany and support the service, the reliability or ability to perform the average service in a reliable and careful manner, the responsiveness or willingness and willingness to help customers and provide fast service , the security or knowledge and attention shown by the employees and their abilities to inspire credibility or trust and the empathy or individual attention that is offered to each client.


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How to Cite
Hernández, C., Prieto, A. T., & Hernández, C. (2021). Service quality dimensions present in postgraduate programs. Theoretical reflections. Impacto Científico, 12(2), 127-141. Retrieved from