Cooperative learning in the teaching of mathematics

  • Edith Rondón Universidad del Zulia. Núcleo COL
  • Marbelis Salas
  • Verónica González
  • Pedro Martínez
  • Alberto González
Keywords: Learning, calculation, cooperative, teaching


Cooperative learning is a methodological strategy that emphasizes that the student does not learn alone, on the contrary, the self-structuring activity of the subject is mediated by the influence of others. In the present article, mention is made of some theories that affirm: the cooperative learning used in the classrooms is of great help in the solution of problems presented in any curricular unit; highlighting authors who through different times have defended the position of this approach, which although it is not new in its entirety in our education system, is now through modernization when it is giving priority. The intention is to demonstrate that cooperative learning situations are more effective and motivating than those of individualistic learning. The results that sustain this research were taken from a workshop applied to students of Calculus II and Linear Algebra of the subprogram of Engineering of the East Coast Nucleus of Lake of the University of Zulia, and a survey that supports the statement made previously.


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How to Cite
Rondón, E., Salas, M., González, V., Martínez, P., & González, A. (2021). Cooperative learning in the teaching of mathematics. Impacto Científico, 12(2), 189-201. Retrieved from