Social reality of functional diversity in general middle education. An ethnographic view from the intersubjective plane of teachers
The research was aimed at generating a theoretical reflection about the social reality
of functional diversity in general secondary education, specifically in the Educational
Unit "Andrés Eloy Blanco" of PDVSA, located in the Cabimas Municipality of Zulia state,
from the intersubjective plane of teachers, from the understanding of the phenomenon
through a look from the perspective of internal actors, within the framework
of ethnographic methodology. The study was developed within the qualitative
epistemological approach, specifically through the method of the ethnographic
approach. For data collection, we started from a field design, using the teaching staff
from the mathematics area as key informants. Direct observation was applied, through
records that made it possible to describe the reality under study, from the perspective
of the actors involved. The above allowed the systematization of experiences, to
generate a theoretical approach to the phenomenon under study. In this sense, the
approach to mathematical content must be supported by practical activities and the
manipulation of concrete and familiar objects, to later continue moving towards more
figurative and symbolic forms that facilitate abstraction. Through the use of various
objects, the first steps in the mathematical learning process were ensured. Sometimes
it will be necessary to stop to achieve its acquisition and consolidation, derived from
the characteristics, conditions and particular requirements of each student, depending
on their functional diversity and particular learning needs.
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