Strategic planning in service management Venezuela oil logistics

  • Wuilliams Nava Universidad del Zulia. Núcleo COL
  • Calixto Hernández Universidad del Zulia. Núcleo COL
Keywords: Strategic planning, mission, vision, strategic objectives and values


The objective of the research was to describe the strategic planning in the logistics
services managements of Petróleos de Venezuela of the Eastern Coast of the Lake. The
study was descriptive, with a non-experimental, transectional and field design. The
population was made up of the logistics services managers of Petróleos de Venezuela
of the Eastern Coast of the Lake. For the data collection, the survey technique was
applied, with a questionnaire containing 16 items. The validation was carried out by
the judgment of 5 experts, and the reliability was calculated using the Cronbach's alpha
coefficient, obtaining a 0.94 placing it in a very high reliability. The results showed
a high compliance with the strategic planning in the studied managers, given by
very high compliance with the vision, policies and organizational structure and high
compliance with the mission, strategic objectives and values, representing a strength
for management.


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How to Cite
Nava, W., & Hernández, C. (2021). Strategic planning in service management Venezuela oil logistics. Impacto Científico, 16(2), 467-480. Retrieved from