COVID-19 pandemic and mental health: its impact on health officials from a more humanistic intervention according to bioethics
This article represents a theoretical contrast on the COVID-19 pandemic and the mental health of officials in the health area, understanding it as the human being that it is according to bioethics. Initially, the chronology is developed with the appearance of the pandemic, its definition and effect on mental health and bioethics, in order to demonstrate from this reflection the impact on health officials, all this, with the purpose of develop some practices that allow lessening said impact on health officials in general, in such a way that it can serve as a guide at a given time. The methodology is a
documentary investigation and leaves as a reflection that mental health is as important to maintain a balance of mind and body, as the practice of work in health officials, for which the application of the recommended habits with the purpose of mitigating the stress produced by the work carried out, especially in times of pandemic, which unfortunately has not ended.
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