Creative strategies for the development of mathematical skills in university students

  • Lisandro Lizardo Universidad Nacional Experimental Rafael María Baralt
Keywords: Creative strategies, development of mathematics skills, University, teachers, students


The purpose of the research was aimed at proposing creative strategies for the development of mathematical skills in students of the UNE Administration Program “Rafael María Baralt”. Methodologically, the research was based on a quantitative approach, with a feasible project typology. Concluding according to the teachers' responses that within their planning, creative strategies are designed based on the needs of the students. However, the students stated that sometimes the teacher presents creative strategies that allow them to achieve greater knowledge of mathematics I.


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Author Biography

Lisandro Lizardo, Universidad Nacional Experimental Rafael María Baralt

Docente e investigador


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How to Cite
Lizardo, L. (2025). Creative strategies for the development of mathematical skills in university students. Impacto Científico, 19(2), 412-424. Retrieved from