Prevalence of strains of the Bacillus cereus group biofilm producers in ice cream in Mexico

Keywords: Bacillus cereus, virulence factor, ice cream


Ice cream is a medium for microbial growth due to its nutritional value and neutral pH. Therefore, the frequency of strains of the Bacillus cereus group in ice cream was determined, the enterotoxigenic profile, psychrophilic strains and biofilm production. A total of 230 samples of six brands of ice cream produced and distributed nationwide were collected in Mexico. The microbiological analysis was a cold pre-enrichment and isolation of the microorganism in egg yolk agar. The strains were identified molecularly from the amplification of the topoisomerase gene (gyrB) and the enterotoxigenic profile by the amplification of conserved regions of the nheABC and hblABD operons and of the cytK gene. In addition, the production of biofilm in glass and polyvinyl chloride and psychophilia was determined. The frequency of contamination by strains of the B. cereus group was 3.6%, a positive strain was found for nheABC and five for cytK, 87.5% of the strains generated biofilm in glass and all in polyvinyl chloride, two strains were psychrophilic. In the ice cream distributed in Mexico, a low contamination by strain of the B. cereus group was found, however, the enterotoxigenic potential of the strains should not be underestimated.


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How to Cite
Adame-Gomez R, Castro Alarcón N, Vences-Velázquez A, Rodríguez-Bataz E, Santiago-Dionisio MC, Ramírez-Peralta A. Prevalence of strains of the Bacillus cereus group biofilm producers in ice cream in Mexico. Kasmera [Internet]. 2019Dec.1 [cited 2024Oct.5];47(2):115-22. Available from:
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