Microbiological quality of groundwater as an epidemiological risk in the production of Childhood Diarrheal Disease. Systematic review

Keywords: childhood diarrhea, groundwater, water quality, bioindicators


Water for human consumption and its quality are determinants for public health. This review aims to collect and analyze information about the relationship between diarrheal disease in children under five (5) years of age and contamination of groundwater sources. The bases: PubMed, ScienceDirect, SpringerLink, SciELO and Google Scholar, without limitation on publication dates, using the descriptors: groundwater, diarrhea, childhood gastrointestinal disease, microbial contamination, water quality, childhood diarrhea, drinking water, molecular techniques and biochemical techniques, were consulted, analyzing a total of one hundred sixty-nine (169) publications. A relationship was found between microbial contamination of groundwater and childhood diarrhea. Groundwater is contaminated due to septic tank leaks, inadequate methods of waste management and rainwater runoff, determining the prevalence of childhood diarrhea. From there, the importance of monitoring water quality as a risk factor, with the detection and quantification of bioindicators, through routine and novel methods, and incorporating interventions aimed at improving accessibility to controlled water sources and health education in the search to ensure water protection and the decrease in the prevalence of childhood diarrhea. This revision is registered in PROSPERO under the number ID 129254.


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How to Cite
Piguave-Reyes JM, Castellano-González MJ, Macías-Avia AM, Vite-Solórzano FA, Ponce-Pibaque MD, Ávila-Ávila JA. Microbiological quality of groundwater as an epidemiological risk in the production of Childhood Diarrheal Disease. Systematic review. Kasmera [Internet]. 2019Dec.1 [cited 2024Oct.5];47(2):153-7. Available from: https://mail.produccioncientificaluz.org/index.php/kasmera/article/view/29868
Sistematic Review and/or Metaanaliysis