Arachnidism: Differential characteristics and clinical manifestations. Systematic Review
Spiders are one of the most abundant species in the world, due to their adaptability and presence in both rural and urban areas. The objectives were to determine the most outstanding morphological characters of spiders, mention the differential characteristics with other poisonous animals, identify the three genera of medical importance and know the distinctive characteristics, including their clinical presentation and treatment, and finally some preventive measures that will serve in a general way in each of the cases. The bibliographic review of this content corresponds to a series of databases from the last twenty years. The three most common genera in Latin America, and with the highest reported cases in Ecuador are: Phoneutria, Loxosceles and Latrodectus. The species of medical importance in Ecuador are: P. perty, P. fera, Latrodectus wakckenaer, and Loxosceles heinecken. The main component of Loxosceles venom is sphingomyelinase D, from Phoneutria it appears to be involved in the kallikrein-kininogen-kinin system; on the other hand, Latrodectus, the venom has as its main component an alpha-Latroxin. This review offers fundamentals to know the gender that causes the crucial symptoms, to prescribe a correct treatment and avoid the complications caused by spider bites
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