Microbiological Quality and Enteropathogenic Bacteria in Leaf Vegetables

  • Gresleida Rincón Chair of Clinical Bacteriology. School of Bioanalysis, University of Zulia. Maracaibo Venezuela.
  • Messaria Ginestre Chair of General Bacteriology. School of Bioanalysis, University of Zulia. Maracaibo Venezuela.
  • Sonia Romero Chair of General Bacteriology. School of Bioanalysis, University of Zulia. Maracaibo Venezuela.
  • Maribel Castellano Chair of General Bacteriology. School of Bioanalysis, University of Zulia. Maracaibo Venezuela.
  • Yeiny ívila Chair of General Bacteriology. School of Bioanalysis, University of Zulia. Maracaibo Venezuela.
Keywords: Leaf vegetable, total coliforms, microbiological quality, E. coli, enteropathogenic bacteria, Aeromonas


To analyze the microbiological quality of leaf vegetables and the incidence of enteropathogenic bacteria, 150 samples (50 lettuce, 50 coriander and 50 parsley) collected in two supermarkets in Maracaibo, were studied. Total coliforms (TC) and Escherichia coli (EC) according to COVENIN guideline N° 3276: 1997, were determined; for the identification of enteropathogenic bacteria (Salmonella, Aeromonas, Vibrio), enrichment and selective media were used. Species identification wasmade using biochemical tests. In 81.33% (122/150) of the samples obtained, TC counts were between 10-10 CFU/g. EC recovery was 10.00%. The frequency of enteropathogens was 28%, with Aeromonas the most isolated genus (95.91%). Greater recovery of enteropathogens was obtained from coriander (40.00%), followed by the parsley (34.00%) and lettuce samples (20.00%); A. caviae was the most recovered specie (59.18%) followed by A. hydrophila (30,62%). Salmonella spp were recovered in 2 samples (4.08%). The presence of enteric indicators (TC and EC) and enteropathogenic bacteria suggests that the sanitary condition of the leafy vegetables is inadequate and can be a source of gastroenteritis.

How to Cite
Rincón G, Ginestre M, Romero S, Castellano M, ívilaY. Microbiological Quality and Enteropathogenic Bacteria in Leaf Vegetables. Kasmera [Internet]. 2010Aug.7 [cited 2024Dec.29];38(2):97-105. Available from: https://mail.produccioncientificaluz.org/index.php/kasmera/article/view/4859
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