Hyperbole in poetry: A case study of exaggeration

  • Manal Jasim Muhammad Department of English. College of Education for Humanities/Bin Rushed/University of Baghdad


The present study identifies the linguistic means used to realize hyperbole in poetry as a rhetorical device that makes readers experience the beauty of poetic language. To achieve the aim of the study, a model of analysis in accordance with Spitzbardt (1963), Norrick (1982), and McCarthy & Carter (2004) is used. The analysis of data under investigation reveals that hyperbole is a crucial aid used by poets to portrait the real world as imaginative. In conclusion, poets prefer using lexico-grammatical repertoires than lexico-grammatical configurations.
How to Cite
Muhammad, M. J. (2020). Hyperbole in poetry: A case study of exaggeration. Opción, 36, 1249-1265. Retrieved from https://mail.produccioncientificaluz.org/index.php/opcion/article/view/31772