Estudios de carrera y género: enfoques y perspectivas

Keywords: careers, gender, literature review, integrative, feminism


We investigate career studies based on management, psychology, and sociology approaches that use the concept of gender as their foundation. We use the integrative literature review based on Torraco (2016) perspective to expose these fields. Furthermore, we aspire to understand the conceptual relationships expressed in the texts and propose ways to comprehend this topic. To this end, we reinforce the idea of interdisciplinarity and the indispensability of a critical lens which allows readers of the review and future researchers to identify strengths, weaknesses, benefits and new positions related to the subject of interest.

Author Biographies

Fernanda de Aguiar Zanola, Universidade Federal de Lavras. Brasil

Doctoral student at the Department of Administration and Economics at the Federal University of Lavras (DAE/UFLA), in the research area of Organizations and Societies. She holds a degree in Business Administration (2017) and a Master’s in Marketing, Strategy and Innovation (2019), both from the same University (UFLA). In addition, she is a member of the NEORGSNucleus of Studies in Organizations, Management and Society. At the present time, it receives funding from FAPEMIG. Author's institutional. Email:

Fernanda Cavalheiro Ruffino Rauber, Universidade Federal de Lavras. Brasil

Doctoral student at the Department of Administration and Economics at the Federal University of Lavras (DAE/UFLA), in the research area of Organizations and Societies, member of NEORGS - Center for Studies in Organizations, Management and Society. She holds a degree in Business Administration (2009) and a Master's in Organizations and Societies (2022). At the present time, it receives funding from CAPES. Author's institutional.

Flaviana Andrade de Pádua Carvalho, Universidade Federal de Lavras. Brasil

Graduation and Master's in Administration, respectively from the Higher School of Agriculture and Lavras (1992) and Federal University of Lavras - UFLA (1997). PhD in Business Administration from CEPEAD/FACE /Federal University of Minas Gerais - UFMG (2015), area of concentration in people management and organizational behavior. Linked to the permanent staff of UFLA since 1997, developing administrative, teaching, research and extension activities. She is an ad hoc scientific consultant for journals and national and regional meetings in the area of Administration. Collaborating professor of the Postgraduate Program in Administration (PPGA)/UFLA. The thematic fields of interest are: career; organizational studies. Author's institutional. Email:

Mônica Carvalho Alves Cappelle, Universidade Federal de Lavras. Brasil

Administrator and Doctor in Administration from UFMG (2006). Currently, professor at DAE/UFLA and lead researcher of the NEORGS research group. She works with an emphasis on Organizational Studies, Research Methodology and People Management, working mainly on the following topics: labor relations, gender relations, subjectivity, identity, culture, career, power relations and disciplinary power. author's institutional. Email:


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How to Cite
Zanola, F. de A., Ruffino Rauber, F. C., Andrade de Pádua Carvalho, F., & Carvalho Alves Cappelle, M. (2022). Estudios de carrera y género: enfoques y perspectivas. Opción, 38(99), 142-169.