It is known worldwide the damage that Salmonella spp. can cause in humans and animals, a very common problem is the infection that can be caused by simply putting hands contaminated with Salmonella spp. in the mouth. Commercially there is a variety of pet food (Canis lupus familiaris & Felis catus) that are exposed to various environmental factors that once the packaging is opened, it generates direct contamination in the factory, obtaining sanitary control errors in the production process. Feeding kibble to our pets and the habits to consume our food is not always suitable for animals. It is regular consumption of chicken meat (Gallus gallus domesticus), packaging process and marketing of this product, leading to conditions of presence of salmonella spp. in food, causing harm not only to humans but also to their pets. The objective is to determine the presence of salmonella spp. in commercial cat and dog food by using a petrifilm kit where humidity percentages and presence of salmonella spp. were determined. A frequency table was also made about the averages obtained of the pathogen with chicken meat by using a GDS kit for the presence of salmonella in fresh and cold chain chicken
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Copyright (c) 2022 Rafael Seleyman Lazo Sulca, Genesis Solange Astudillo Hinostroza, Melany Jailene Saigua Rodríguez, Luis Alfredo Coello Meneses, María Carmen Román Manzano, Rodrigo José Pazmiño Pérez
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