Prevalence of burnout syndrome in the nursing staff of a general hospital

  • Menendez Tania Division of Graduate Studies Doctor of Health Sciences Program
  • Panunzio Amelia Division of Graduate Studies Doctor of Health Sciences Program
  • Anzules Jasmin Division of Graduate Studies Doctor of Health Sciences Program
  • Zambrano Delia Division of Graduate Studies Doctor of Health Sciences Program
  • Mastarreno Mónica Division of Graduate Studies Doctor of Health Sciences Program
Keywords: burnout syndrome, nursing staff, general hospital


In order to determine the prevalence of burnout syndrome in the nursing staff of a general hospital. A cross-sectional descriptive observational study was carried out, whose population census consisted of a total of 124 female nursing professionals. The data collection instrument used to measure burnout syn- drome was the Maslach Burnout Inventory (1986), which consists of 22 items that are evaluated with a Likert-type scale. The results of this study show that most of the nursing professionals who participated in this research are at a medium level in the emo- tional exhaustion and depersonalization dimension, which constitutes one of the first keys for the appea- rance of burnout syndrome. , the mainly susceptible age range was (25 to 35 years) with Bilateral Sper- mman of p<0.05, the staff with the least seniority in the institution was the one who presented burnout syndrome with a statistical association of 0.216 with p<0.05, the jobs where this finding was detected were intensive care unit and emergency. It is con- cluded that the majority of the nursing professionals who participated in this research are at a medium level of burnout in the emotional exhaustion and depersonalization dimension, so it is suggested to make a proposal for an intervention of the burnout syndrome in the referred personnel who help pre- vent the deleterious effects of this syndrome.


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How to Cite
Tania, M., Amelia, P., Jasmin, A., Delia, Z., & Mónica, M. (2023). Prevalence of burnout syndrome in the nursing staff of a general hospital. REDIELUZ, 13(1), 46-55.