Consumption of functional foods with bioactive compounds by nursing mothers

  • Nibia Novillo State University of Milagro. Faculty of Health and Social Services, Ecuador
  • Yasmina Barboza Universidad del Zulia, Maracaibo, Venezuela
  • Denisse Suárez State University of Milagro. Faculty of Health and Social Services, Ecuador
  • Ingrid Ordoñez State University of Milagro. Faculty of Health and Social Services, Ecuador
Keywords: Functional foods, nursing mothers, bioactive compounds, antioxidants, fruit, vegetables


Adequate nutrient intake during breastfeeding is important both to provide high-quality breast milk to infants, and to ensure adequate maternal nutritional status in the short and long term. For this reason, the objective of this research was determine the consumption of some functional foods with bioactive compounds in Ecuadorian nursing mothers. The population framework consisted of 153 nursing mothers who attended the Los Vergeles Health Center of the Ministry of Public Health (Ecuador), in the period between May – October 2022. The results show that 92% of mothers reported always or almost always consuming vegetables with bioactive compounds. The most consumed vegetable was carrot followed by broccoli and tomato-based products. All the mothers surveyed said they always or almost always consumed fruits; among the fruits with the highest consumption is the apple (100%), followed by mango (92%), peaches, kiwi and blueberries. Only a small percentage reported consuming oilseeds such as flaxseed and chia. Lentils, beans and chickpeas are the most frequently consumed legumes. Nursing mothers almost never or never consume nuts. It is observed that the level of some recommended functional foods such as nuts and oilseeds with bioactive compounds is not optimal, this deficiency should be the main focus for future nutritional interventions.


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How to Cite
Novillo, N., Barboza, Y., Suárez, D., & Ordoñez, I. (2023). Consumption of functional foods with bioactive compounds by nursing mothers. REDIELUZ, 13(2), 71-81.