Abstinence syndrome at the León Becerra Camacho hospital in the period 2021-2023, in the city of Milagro-Ecuador

  • Wilman Balcázar Quimi State University of Milagro (UNEMI), Hospital León Becerra Milagro
  • Alicia Dalila Barros Hospital León Becerra Milagro
  • Carla Sampedro Merchán Hospital León Becerra Milagro
  • George Soledispa Chancay Hospital León Becerra Milagro
  • Wilman Balcázar Martínez Hospital León Becerra Milagro
Keywords: abstinence, illegal, heroin, pregnancy


Neonatal withdrawal syndrome is defined as a set of symptoms that the newborn experiences when withdrawing the drugs that cause addiction. Currently the consumption of substances of abuse is one of the most important health problems in our society. The use of illegal drugs has experienced a notable increase in recent years, especially heroin consumption, and the appearance of other new drugs. The Objective was to determine the frequency and factors related to the withdrawal syndrome in the neonatal area of ​​the León Becerra Hospital in Milagro-Ecuador, January 2021 to March 2023, Materials and methods. Neonates admitted to the hospital were investigated, with a maternal history of drug use, with a Finnegan scale score equal to or greater than 8 points. Results: A sample of 22 neonates was obtained, of which 14 (63.6%) presented abstinence, predominantly female 12 (54.5%) and male 10 (45.5%), preterm neonates 12 (54.5%) and term 10 (45.5%), maternal age 16 to 20 years (31.8%), 21 to 24 years 10 (45.5%) and 26-30 years 5 (22.7%) The most consumed drug was heroin 20 (90.9%) and cocaine 2 (9.1%). Conclusions: Drug consumption by pregnant women is a relatively common situation that implies serious consequences for newborns.


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How to Cite
Balcázar Quimi, W., Dalila Barros, A., Sampedro Merchán, C., Soledispa Chancay, G., & Balcázar Martínez, W. (2024). Abstinence syndrome at the León Becerra Camacho hospital in the period 2021-2023, in the city of Milagro-Ecuador. REDIELUZ, 14(1), 65 - 70. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13171639