Communicative orthoepic nature of the motivational utterance in the Yakut Language

  • Ivan Egorovich Alekseev North-Eastern Federal University
  • Irina Nikolaevna Sorova North-Eastern Federal University
Palabras clave: Yakut language, motivational utterance, rhythm-melodics, pitch frequency intervals, Naturaleza ortoépica


The article analyzes the main structural-semantic and functional features of the motivational phrase in the Yakut language. Through the experimental linguistic analysis of the speech signal, the intonational nature of certain types of motivating phrases, such as call, order and demand is characterized.


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Biografía del autor/a

Ivan Egorovich Alekseev, North-Eastern Federal University
Professor North-Eastern Federal University 58 Belinsky str, Yakutsk.
Irina Nikolaevna Sorova, North-Eastern Federal University
Professor North-Eastern Federal University 58 Belinsky str, Yakutsk.


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Cómo citar
Egorovich Alekseev, I., & Nikolaevna Sorova, I. (2019). Communicative orthoepic nature of the motivational utterance in the Yakut Language. Revista De La Universidad Del Zulia, 9(25), 139-149. Recuperado a partir de