Software complex for measuring operating systems’ main functions performance

  • Alexey Martyshkin Penza State Technological University
Palabras clave: Linux, performance measurement, operating system functions, QT and QWT libraries, C language.


This paper describes the software package created by the author for measuring the performance of operating system functions. This work aims to synthesize a software package designed to analyse the execution time of software functions of uniprocessor and multiprocessor operating systems. The package analyses a number of functions of operating systems: mutexes, semaphores, read-write locks, FIFO and PIPE channels, TCP and UDP sockets, context switching, system calls. Unlike analogues, this package is represented by a convenient graphical user interface; the Qt and Qwt libraries are used for its implementation, they have a rich set of widgets, i.e. programs that facilitate access to information. The libraries used are cross-platform, which allows us to make a simpler procedure for transferring applications to different operating systems; smoothing the test results curves is used. In conclusion, the results of test measurements are presented.


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Biografía del autor/a

Alexey Martyshkin, Penza State Technological University
Associate Professor, Computational Machines and Systems Department, Penza State Technological University


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Cómo citar
Martyshkin, A. (2019). Software complex for measuring operating systems’ main functions performance. Revista De La Universidad Del Zulia, 10(27), 108-117. Recuperado a partir de