A Review Of The Concept Of death In Spanish Baroque Painting
This article conceptualizes aesthetically and philosophically about death from the baroque pictorial representation of the passion of Christ. The medieval conception of death and its incidence in the baroque religious sphere are studied. The characteristics of the Christological mortuary iconography are determined. The concept of baroque death is linked to the aesthetic precepts of ugliness. It is concluded, the exegesis of the metaphysical beauty opposes to the earthly ugliness. The agony of a body tortured to exhaustion, the unbearable suffering of the crucifixion, is relegated and hides under the beautiful forms of an art, which insists on making the act of passion a sublimated act. Baroque death is ostentatious, dramatic, theatrical, and beautiful.
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Cristo crucificado en la Galería on line del Museo del Prado. Disponible en: https://www.museodelprado.es/ coleccion. Consultado en julio de 2016.