Lean Reminiscence: The Fleas of Maracaibo Market

  • Adriana Urdaneta Universidad del Zulia
Keywords: Photography, Documentary Film, The fleas Market, Maracaibo


The present work addresses how the documentary photographic technique together with the critical eye of the photographer, make the photographic image a window to the real world exposing controversial issues, such as the sale of animals for human consumption in places with minimal and unhealthy conditioning such as The fleas Market in Maracaibo, where the day-to-day life marked by the chaos that dominates the place is fascinating for the trained eye of the photographer. The fleas market, specifically in its meat section, is a fairly rich mixture of smells, colors, tastes and sounds, this being the data collection point for documentary research carried out under the action-research modality. To achieve a series of images composed of 36 color photographs in 3 different formats which describe the different sensations experienced in the market, its people and spaces


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Mendoza, Ángel (2013). Una noche en el Mercado de Las Pulgas de Maracaibo, un mundo lleno de necesidades. Disponible en: www.panorama.com.ve. Consultado en julio de 2016.

Fotografías: Adriana UrdanetaReminiscencia Magra. Selección de imágenesMercado Las Pulgas, Maracaibo, 2015
How to Cite
Urdaneta, A. (2021). Lean Reminiscence: The Fleas of Maracaibo Market. SituArte, 15(26), 31-35. Retrieved from https://mail.produccioncientificaluz.org/index.php/situarte/article/view/35367