New, hybrid and fractured: cinema contemporary narratives

  • Alexis Cadenas Universidad del Zulia
Keywords: Contemporary cinema, hybrid narratives, fractured narratives, originality


Truly contemporary films are new, hybrid, fractured narratives that are, also, necessarily original and strange. In this essay we will just present the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, such as the new technological platforms, the strange storytelling that is occurring on these new platforms, and the swapping of roles between auteurs and audiences, but we need to start (continue) this conversation if we want cinema to survive, or die for something different to emerge.After briefly discussing what contemporary cinema is or can be, and exploring some examples of the new, hybrid and fractured narratives that
are emerging, we will end our account with a reflection on originality and where it can be found in the process of creating these new pieces.


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How to Cite
Cadenas, A. (2023). New, hybrid and fractured: cinema contemporary narratives. SituArte, 17(29), 43-48. Retrieved from