Composición antifonal en Superflumina de Salvatore Sciarrino
Salvatore Sciarrino’s Superflumina references a biblical text and religious themes, such as the beginning of Psalm 137. He incorporates an antiphon in Quadro III, connecting the Psalm text with the antiphonal method used in church music. The Quadro III (Antifona) represents an interrupted dream, assuming peripeteia function. In an interrogation scene, the protagonist, “La Donna,” recites fragments from the Song of Songs while being interrogated by a policeman. The various instruments perform disparate sound elements, contrasting various musical ideas. This research aims to identify compositional strategies that clarify Sciarrino’s approach to the antiphonal mode of composing and explore the elements from antiphonal performing for the quotation of the Song of Songs, and in what form he integrates them into his compositional style.
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