Technical-economic analysis of industrial buildings using non-linear Lagrange interpolation
Technical-economic analysis of industrial buildings using non-linear Lagrange interpolation
Due to the notable increase in industrial buildings in Ecuador, it is necessary to carry out a technical-economic analysis to know the impact of the cost of materials on them. To do this, a sample of 40 bays was drawn up, establishing the relationship between free span (L), portico height (H) and distance between porticoes (B), in order to determine a metric. For this study, the weight of the structure was established in kg / m². With the results, a mathematical model was applied (Lagrange interpolation), a polynomial was obtained that describes the model of each group of ships and its graphic representation, therefore, an approximation of the weight of structures was determined. The metrics that were found have a direct impact on the cost of the materials of the structures, these were obtained by multiplying them by the cost of the kg of steel. A check was carried out with a sample of 6 ships, in which the weight was found using the design by load and resistance factors and then with the polynomial; obtaining an error: for ships modulated at 5 m an average of 0.03 % with a deviation of 0.03 and for ships modulated at 6 m, an average of 0.07 % with a deviation of 0.03.
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