Relationship of the SAW Coatings Composition with the Composition of Fluxes Obtained with Steel Slag and Rice Husk Ashes
Relationship of the SAW Coatings Composition with the Composition of Fluxes Obtained with Steel Slag and Rice Husk Ashes
Submerged arc welding (SAW) surfacing is frequently applied on parts that work in abrasive wear conditions. The commercial fluxes are obtained from natural minerals. The objective of this work is to establish the relationship between the chemical composition of the deposited alloy by SAW and the composition of the flux, obtained from steel refining slag with the addition of rice husk ashes. Fluxes were obtained by pelletizing, based on a McLean-Anderson type design. With the experimental fluxes deposits were obtained, which were chemically characterized. Empirical models of the elements composition in the deposited metal as funsion of the flux composition were obtained and an optimization process was carried out. It is concluded that the contents of the elements in the deposited metal show a quadratic dependence, the carbon content (C) is ruled by graphite composition in the flux, while the chromium (Cr), manganese (Mn) and silicon (Si) contents are ruled by the FeCrMn content.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Rodolfo Najarro Quintero, Amado Cruz-Crespo, Lorenzo Perdomo González, Alejandro Duffus Scott, Geannys Almeida Espinosa, Marioxy Janeth Morales Torres
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