Biomimetics Applied to Models of Reconfigurable Renewable Energy Systems Based on Self-Similar Structures
Based on the growing demand for electrical energy and considering the dynamics and fractal structure present in nature, in this research a generalized mathematical model on concatenated neural networks was developed to support reconfigurable renewable energy systems, considering optimization criteria based on biomimetic intelligence. The method started from the reinterpretation of the physical model of renewable energy converters, from discrete power blocks and linear feedback, to the description of self-similar composition circuits. The results include a set of reference biomodels based on scientific observation of the natural dynamics of the region and the correlation of mechanisms to describe the mathematical behavior of the converter. In the case of the wind converter, an optimized three-layer model was obtained with a mean error of 0.0019. This study allowed us to conclude on a technique for optimizing the coefficients of the renewable energy model from biomimetic patterns, applying gradient descent to minimize the environmental impact of the applied technology, achieving coefficients adapted to the requirements of efficiency and sustainability in relation to the potential of the region, by monitoring the evolutionary behavior of native flora, fauna and local environmental conditions.
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